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comp150 Spring 2003 Introduction to Computer Science Michael Goldwasser Loyola University Chicago Handout 1 Tuesday 14 January 2003 COMP 150 Introduction to Computer Science Contents 1 Overview 1 1 The Instructor 1 2 The Lectures 1 3 Textbooks 1 4 Prerequisites 1 2 2 2 3 2 Online Resources 2 1 COMP 150 Web Page http www cs luc edu mhg comp150 2 2 Email with Instructor 2 3 Electronic Assignment Submission 4 3 Graded Work 3 1 Assignments 45 3 2 Exams 55 3 3 Course Grades 3 4 Academic Honesty 3 5 Late Policies 5 5 5 5 6 6 4 4 4 4 Tutoring Resources at Loyola 7 5 Computing at Loyola 5 1 Departmental Network and Labs 5 2 Computer Centers run by division of Information Services 7 7 8 1 Overview An introduction to computer science providing a broad survey of the discipline while emphasizing the computer s role as a tool for describing organizing and manipulating information Topics to include machine architecture software data organization and the potential and limitation of machines Serves as a terminal course for students who want a one course introduction to the field as well as a preliminary course to upper level computer science offerings Note this is NOT a programming class and it may be taken concurrently with COMP 125 or 170 comp150 Spring 2003 Handout 1 1 1 The Instructor instructor e mail web office telephone office hours 1 2 2 Prof Michael Goldwasser mhg cs luc edu http www cs luc edu mhg Damen Hall 319 773 508 2883 Tuesdays 10 30 11 30am LSC Thursdays 3 45 4 45pm WTC The Lectures The material will be presented in two weekly lectures meeting Tuesdays and Thursdays from 2 30 3 45pm in room 205 of Lewis Towers on the Water Tower Campus Class participation is most welcome 1 3 Textbooks The required textbooks for this course are Title Authors Publisher ISBN Website Computer Science Illuminated Nell Dale and John Lewis Jones and Bartlett 2002 0 763 71760 6 csilluminated jbpub com Title Authors Publisher ISBN Website Explorations in Computer Science A Guide to Discovery R Mark Meyer Jones and Bartlett 2003 0 763 72265 0 www jbpub com catalog 0763722650 The first of these titles will be our primary text and should be available both at the Barnes and Noble campus bookstore as well as Beck s Bookstore or various online book vendors The second of these titles will serve as a lab manual and includes a CD with software It is due for release in February and the publisher has graciously provided us with an advanced copy for use this semester We will give more details early in the semester regarding how to obtain this material Additionally there are some other books which try to give an overview of computer science in the same spirit as the books we have chosen Though we have chosen not to use the following books we list them for your interest comp150 Spring 2003 Handout 1 3 Computer Science An Overview 6th edition Author J Glenn Brookshear Publisher Addison Wesley 2000 ISBN 0 201 35747 X Website www awlonline com product 0 2627 020135747X 00 html The Analytical Engine An Introduction to Computer Science Using the Internet Authors Rick Decker and Stuart Hirschfield Publisher Brooks Cole Pub 1998 ISBN 0 534 95365 4 Website see www brookscole com An Invitation to Computer Science Java Version Authors G Michael Schneider and Judith L Gersting Publisher Brooks Cole Pub 2000 ISBN 0 534 37488 3 Website see www brookscole com Fluency with Author Publisher ISBN Website Information Technology Skills Concepts Capabilities Lawrence Snyder Addison Wesley 2003 0 321 12201 1 www aw com Foundations of Computer Science From Data Manipulation to Theory of Computation Author Behrouz A Forouzan Publisher Brooks Cole 2003 ISBN 0 534 39143 5 Website www brookscole com The Essential Guide to Computing The Story of Information Technology Author E Garrison Walters Publisher Prentice Hall PTR 2001 ISBN 0 130 19469 7 Website www phptr com 1 4 Prerequisites There are both official and unofficial prerequisites for this course The official prerequisite is MATH 100 Intermediate Algebra or equivalent placement The reason for this prerequisite is that our study of computer science will inherently involve a level of analytical and mathematical sophistication This will arise in understanding how information is represented digitally and how computations proceed on such data comp150 Spring 2003 Handout 1 4 The unofficial prerequisite is that although we do not expect students to have any formal training in computing we will expect that the great majority of students enter the class with at least some experience as a user of computers Specifically we will assume that students are comfortable with creating text files sending and reading email and using a web browser to explore content on the Internet Students who do not have this experience are certainly welcome in the class however they should be aware that these topics are not going to be covered during lecture The instructor can provide advice for gaining such experience 2 Online Resources This course will take advantage of the Internet and the departmental network in many ways 2 1 COMP 150 Web Page http www cs luc edu mhg comp150 With the exception of the first day s printed handout most of the information for this course will be distributed only by means of the course web page This web site will contain all assignments a schedule of lectures detailed lecture notes and links to many other sources of information The web page contains some information e g solutions submitted assignments individual grades which is more sensitive and therefore which will be available to students in the class only after they have identified themselves properly To gain access to these parts of the web page a student must first complete an online questionnaire creating a unique identity and password 2 2 Email with Instructor Questions or comments of an individual nature should be emailed directly to the instructor Topics suitable for email include questions about grades received requests for an appointment requests for help on an assignment 2 3 Electronic Assignment Submission All assignments for this course must be submitted electronically The submission procedure will be done through the course web page and allows students to submit from any computer connected to the Internet Each student in this class will be selecting a unique username password combination solely for use in identifying the student when using the course web page Details of the procedure are discussed at www cs luc edu mhg

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