SJSU ME 30 - Syllabus

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San Jos State University Charles W Davidson College of Engineering Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering ME 30 Computer Applications Section 01 Fall 2009 Instructor Buff Furman Office Location Engineering 310G Telephone 408 924 3817 Email bjfurman sjsu edu Office Hours Prerequisites Tu Th 1430 1530 or by appointment only Seminar 01 40986 M 1200 1250 E339 Lab 02 40987 T 1330 1615 E407 Lab 03 40988 R 1330 1615 E407 Lab 04 44425 W 1330 1615 E407 None Course Fees TBD Class Meeting Information Web Pages and Messaging Copies of the course materials such as the syllabus major assignment handouts etc may be found on my website for this course http www engr sjsu edu bjfurman courses ME30 or on the Blackboard CE 8 site see http www sjsu edu ecampus students for more information on how to log in and use Blackboard You are responsible for regularly checking these websites and the messaging system through MySJSU or other communication system as indicated by the instructor to stay on top of deadlines and announcements for the course Course Description Using a computer to solve engineering problems through programming and the use of engineering application procedures Use of procedural and informational problem solving methods and practices applied to software design application programming and testing Lecture 1 hour lab 3 hours 2 units Course Goals and Learning Objectives The goals of this course are to help you o Understand how mechanical and aerospace engineers can and do use computers to solve engineering problems o Learn how to solve engineering problems using computational methods o Get experience in developing algorithms for effectively solving problems using computers o Gain familiarity with several software tools that are widely used by mechanical engineers to solve analytical and numerical problems o Prepare for subsequent courses which involve computation to solve engineering problems Learning Objectives The student who successfully completes the course will be able to 1 General 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 4 1 5 Locate course materials using course management and web resources Explain what the course is about what will be covered Describe where and how computers are used by mechanical and aerospace engineers MAEs List some of the software commonly used by MAEs Describe what the major elements of a computer are and what they do conceptually BJ Furman ME 30Computer Applications ME30syllabus doc 22AUG2009 Page 1 of 8 1 6 Explain the focus of the course 2 Problem Solving 2 1 Describe and apply a general method for solving an engineering problem that leads to a computational solution 2 2 Analyze a problem and devise an effective algorithm that can be implemented by a computer by applying specific techniques such as problem decomposition defining diagrams data dictionaries pseudocode desk checking etc 3 Programming Methodology 3 1 Apply the basic concepts of sequence selection and iteration in the development of a computational solution to a specific problem 3 2 Write programs that are sufficiently documented so that colleagues can understand their operation 4 Application of Software Tools 4 1 Select and explain your choice of appropriate engineering software among potential candidates to use to solve a specific engineering problem 4 2 Apply correct syntax grammar and design patterns to create a functional software program that solves a given problem 4 3 Construct visual graphics using various software tools to effectively analyze and present data 4 4 Write program code to interact with the physical world outside the computer Texts Required Textbook Hanly J R Koffman E B 2010 Problem Solving and Program Design in C 6th ed Pearson Education Inc Boston MA ISBN 978 0321535429 Recommended not required Text Cheng Harry H 2010 C for Engineers and Scientists An Interpretive Approach McGraw Hill New York ISBN 978 0073376059 References Afzal A 1999 Pure C programming Prentice Hall New Jersey Darnell P A Margolis P E 1996 C a software engineering approach 3rd ed Springer New York Kernighan B W Ritchie D M 1978 The C programming language Prentice Hall New Jersey Overland B 1995 C in plain English MIS Press New York Library Liaison Our liason to the University Library is Menxiong Liu Mengxiong Liu sjsu edu 408 808 2020 Menxiong can help you make optimum use of information resources available to you through the University Library Classroom Protocol I expect everyone to make their best effort to attend all class sessions and laboratory periods Please arrive to the classroom or laboratory before the session begins so that others are not disturbed by your entry after instruction has begun If you normally keep a cell phone activated and with you put your cell phone on vibrate before you enter the classroom Having your cell phone ring during class is disruptive and will not be tolerated Dropping and Adding Students are responsible for understanding the policies and procedures about add drops academic renewal etc Information on add drops are available at http info sjsu edu home schedules html BJ Furman ME 30Computer Applications ME30syllabus doc 22AUG2009 Page 2 of 8 Information about late drop is available at http www sjsu edu sac policies latedrops Students should be aware of the current deadlines and penalties for adding and dropping classes Assignments and Grading Policy Assessment for the purposes of determining your course grade will consist of evaluating your performance on homework assignments laboratory projects quizzes and examinations and a final examination Quizzes may take place in lecture and or lab and may be unannounced so keep up on your reading and studying for this class Check the ME 30 Course Schedule listed below for links to the homework and laboratory assignments Homework is generally due one week after it is assigned Unless otherwise specified homework will handled electronically via the web as your instructor will explain There will be hard deadlines for when your work must be submitted after which you will be unable to submit and therefore you will not get credit for late assignments The weighting of the course components and criteria for assigning letter grades are given below The final examination for the course will be Tuesday December 15 2009 from 0945 1200 in E339 Weighting of Course Components HW 20 Laboratory Projects 40 Quizzes and Exams 20 Final Exam 20 Criteria for Assigning Letter Grades The scores on you homework laboratory projects quizzes and exams and final

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