MIT 16 881 - Robust Conceptual Design

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Term Project Final Presentation Visual aids available on campus Computer projection Document camera Camera Visual aids available off campus Camera OR Send me your slides electronically and I ll project them from my laptop 16 881 MIT Term Project Grading Term project is 30 of course grade Written report is 75 of term project Due on last Lecture day 10 penalty per day late Final presentation is 25 of term project 16 881 MIT Term Project Final Presentation Schedule Tom Hoag Designing a Robust Business Chip Clampitt The Use of Orthogonal Arrays to Optimize Nonlinear Functions Iteratively Karl Hauenstein Robust Design of a Voltage Controlled Oscillator Boran Goran Pepin Shashlo Wickenheiser Robust System Design Application Integration Ford Motor Company Joe Distefano Application of Robust Design Techniques to a Paper Winding Simulation Garth Grover HPT Dovetail 2 D Form Robust Design Shelley Hayes Taguchi Method Meets Publish and Subscribe 16 881 MIT Term Project Final Presentation Schedule Cont Wei Zhao Taguchi and Beyond Methodologies for Experimental Designs J Philip Perschbacher Robust Design of Blade Attachment Device Michelle Martuccio Allied Signal s Six Sigma Initiative A Robust Design Case Study Steve Sides Bob Slack Coating Technology for Jet Aircraft Engines Ebad Jahangir Robust Design and its Relationship with Axiomatic Design Tom Courtney Robust Thermal Inkjet Printhead Design David Markham Robustness Testing of a Film Scanner Magnetic Module 16 881 MIT Robust Conceptual Design Considering Variation Early in the Design Process 16 881 MIT Outline Motivation Tools and tricks TRIZ etc A framework RCDM wafer handling case Case study VMA prehensor Case study Adhesive application in LBPs 16 881 MIT Quality in Product Development Quality efforts used to be focussed here Concept Development But 80 of quality is determined here 16 881 System Design Detail Design Testing and Refinement Taguchi Methods of parameter design Production Ramp up Customer use Induce noise Source Ulrich and Eppinger Product Design and Development MIT Concept Design The Window of Opportunity 100 Quality determined costs committed 75 50 16 881 Use Detail design Concept design Lifecycle phase Manufacture Design flexibility 25 Problem definition Percentage of total Window of opportunity Source Russell B Ford and Philip Barkan Concept versus Parameter Design Concept Design Begins with broad specs Free wheeling intuitive One off experiments Rough analysis Requires insight Parameter Design Begins with system design Bounded systematic Orthogonal arrays Precise analysis Can be implemented as a black box Source Russell B Ford and Philip Barkan 16 881 MIT Biggest Roadblocks in Concept Design Poor problem formulation Stopping with too few alternatives Failure to search existing solutions Missing entire categories of solutions Inability to merge solutions 16 881 Source Ulrich and Eppinger Product Design and Development MIT Properties of a Good Problem Statement Solution neutral Quantitative Clear Concise Complete 16 881 MIT Techniques for Concept Generation Brainstorming Analogy Seek related and unrelated stimuli Use appropriate media to convey explore Sketching Foam Lego Circulate concepts create galleries Systematically classify search 16 881 Source Ulrich and Eppinger Product Design and Development MIT Theory of Inventive Problem Solving TRIZ Genrich Altshuller Sought to identify patterns in the patent literature 1946 Creativity as an Exact Science translated in 1988 The basic concept 16 881 Define problems as contradictions Compare them to solutions of a similar form Provide a large database of physical phenomena Anticipate trends in technical evolution MIT TRIZ Software Ideation International http www ideationtriz com Invention Machine http www inventionmachine com Effects Principles Prediction 16 881 MIT Tricks for Robust Concept Design Create lots of concepts with noise in mind Build breadboards experiment quickly Don t be afraid to revisit concept design stage Eliminate dependence on non robust physical effects technologies Design in non linearities to exploit in parameter design 16 881 MIT Robust Concept Design Methodology Russell B Ford and Philip Barkan at Stanford Four Stages 16 881 Definition of the robustness problem Derivation of guiding principles New concept synthesis Concept evaluation and selection MIT Wafer Handling Robot Rotating platform Process A Process B Gear pair Silicon Wafer Load Store Double Parallelogram Linkage Top View Process C 16 881 Side View MIT Stage 1 Definition of the Robustness Problem Identify robustness as a primary goal Incorporate critical performance metrics into the problem definition Target needed improvements in robustness Quantify key robustness goals R 16 881 Ty 6 y MIT Stage 1 Rotating platform Gear pair Silicon Wafer Double Parallelogram Linkage Top View 16 881 Side View How will you specify robustness MIT Stage 2 Derivation of Guiding Principles Identify dominant error propagation mechanisms Derive insight into the root causes of performance variation Predict the effect of design parameters and error sources on performance variation Single out limiting constraints Substantiate the predicted behavior 16 881 MIT Stage 2 Rotating platform Gear pair Silicon Wafer What are the root causes Double Parallelogram Linkage What are the mechanisms of propagation Top View How would you predict effects Side View 16 881 What are the constraints on the design MIT Stage 3 New Concept Synthesis Modify error propagation mechanisms to reduce or eliminate transmission Eliminate or reduce error sources Circumvent limiting constraints Draw upon new technology Add extra degrees of freedom as necessary 16 881 MIT Stage 3 Rotating platform Gear pair Silicon Wafer How can you modify propagation Double Parallelogram Linkage Top View Can you circumvent constraints Are there new technologies to employ Develop 3 other concepts Side View 16 881 MIT Stage 4 Concept Evaluation and Selection Reconcile robustness requirements with al other critical performance specifications Select the best concept from all alternatives Predict the effect of design parameters and error sources on performance variation Decide whether further improvement is required 16 881 MIT References Conceptual Robustness Ford Russell B and Philip Barkan Beyond Parameter Design A Methodology Addressing Product Robustness at the Concept Formation Stage DE Vol 81 Design for Manufacturability ASME 1995 Andersson Peder A Semi Analytic

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MIT 16 881 - Robust Conceptual Design

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