Random Number Generation and Electronic Cash Dawn Song dawnsong cs berkeley edu 1 Random Number Generation Many crypto protocols require parties to generate random numbers Key generation Generating nonces How to generate random numbers Step 1 how to generate truly random bits Step 2 crypto methods to stretch a little bit of true randomness into a large stream of pseudorandom values that are indistinguishable from true random bits PRNG 2 Case Study Random number generation is easy to get wrong Can you spot the problems in this example unsigned char key 16 srand time null for i 0 i 16 i key i rand 0xFF where static unsigned int next 0 void srand unsigned int seed next seed int rand void next next 1103515245 12345 return next 32768 3 Real world Examples X Windows magic cookie was generated using rand Netscape browsers generated SSL session keys using time process ID as seed 1995 Kerberos First discover to be similarly flawed 4 yrs later discovered flaw with memset PGP used return value from read to seed its PRNG rather than the contents of buffer On line poker site used insecure PRNG to shuffle cards 4 Lessons Learned Seeds must be unpredictable Algorithm for generating pseudorandom bits must be secure 5 Generating Pseudorandom Numbers True random number generator TRNG Generates bits that are distributed uniformly at random so that all outputs are equally likely with no patterns correlations etc Cryptographically secure pseudorandom number generator CS PRNG Taking a short true random seed and generates long sequence of bits that is computationally indistinguishable from true random bits 6 CS PRNG CS PRNG cryptographically secure pseudorandom number generator G maps a seed to an output G S E g G 0 1 128 0 1 1000000 Let K denote a random variable distributed uniformly at random in domain of G Let U denote a random variable distributed uniformly at random in range of G G is secure if output G K is computationally indistinguishable from U Sample construction Use the seed as a key k and compute AES CBC k 0n 7 TRNG I TRNG should be random and unpredictable Good or bad choices IP addresses Contents of network packets Process IDs High speed clock Soundcard Keyboard input Disk timings 8 TRNG II How to convert non uniform sources of randomness into TRNG Use a cryptographic hash function such as SHA1 Suppose x is a value from an imperfect source or a concatenation of values from multiple sources and it is impossible for an attacker to predict the exact value x except with probability 1 2n Then hash x truncated to n bits should provide a n bit value that is uniformly distributed if hash is secure 9 Administrative Matters HW2 graded Mean 41 7 Standard deviation 13 2 1st quartile 39 8 2nd quartile median 44 5 3rd quartile 50 0 Maximum 57 0 10 Ecash Example for how crypto helps e commerce Traditional cash Alice Customer 2 Spend cash for goods Bank 1 Withdraw cash Bob Merchant 3 Deposit cash 11 Ecash Digital form of cash First attempt what s the problem Alice Customer 2 Spend cash for goods Send Signature 1 serial 1 Withdraw ecash Signature 1 serial Bank Bob Merchant 3 Deposit cash Send Signature 1 serial 12 Desired Properties for Ecash Anonymous bank should not know how Alice spends her money Prevent forging Prevent double spending 13 Building Block Blind Signatures Blind signature achieve anonymity How can Alice get a signature from the Bank without the Bank knowing what message is being signed Protocol generating blind signature on message m in RSA setting Bank s private key d p q public key e N Alice Customer s rem mod N Bank t sd mod N Alice computes t r mod N md mod N 14 Ecash Using Blind Signature How to use blind signature to build ecash A valid 1 bill is a pair x y where y hash x d mod N hash is one way function How does the ecash protocol work Why do we need hash How to prevent double spending What to do for different denominations Nickles dimes dollars 15 Other Methods for Ecash Use zero knowledge proofs out of scope More building blocks of ZKP Support many properties Identifying double spenders 16 Conclusion Random number generator CS PRNG Definition How to construct it TRNG Ecash Example of the power of crypto Blind signatures 17
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