BESC 201 11 15 2013 Lecture 31 Outline of Last Lecture I Outdoor Air Pollution Outline of Current Lecture II Indoor Air Pollution Current Lecture 11 15 2013 The Montreal Protocol addressed ozone depletion Montreal Protocol international policy efforts to restrict production of CFCs in 1987 Widely viewed as a model for international cooperation on other global problems from biodiversity loss to persistent organic pollutants to climate change Acid deposition is another transboundary pollution problem Acid Deposition the deposition of acidic or acid forming pollutants from the atmosphere onto Earth s surface Acid Rain the precipitation of acidic particles from the atmosphere Atmospheric Deposition refers more broadly to the wet or dry deposition of a variety of pollutants Acid deposition has many impacts Accelerated leaching of base cations from soil Allowed sulfur and nitrogen to accumulate in soil Increased dissolved inorganic aluminum in soil hindering plant uptake of water and nutrients Leached calcium from needles of red spruce leading to tree mortality from wintertime freezing Increased mortality of sugar maples due to leaching of base cations from soil and leaves Acidified lakes Lowered lakes capacity to neutralize further acids Elevated aluminum levels in surface waters Reduced species diversity and abundance of aquatic life affecting entire food webs Indoor Air Pollution Indoor Air Pollution contains higher concentrations of pollutants than does outdoor air Risks differ in developing and developed nations In developing nations indoor air pollution arises from fuelwood burning In developed nations the primary indoor air health risks are cigarette smoke and radon These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute Many substances pollute indoor air Sick building Syndrome an illness resulting from indoor pollution in which the specific cause is not identified
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