BESC 201 11 13 2013 Lecture 30 Outline of Last Lecture I The Atmosphere Outline of Current Lecture II Outdoor Air Pollution Current Lecture 11 13 2013 Agencies monitor emissions Volatile Organic Compounds VOCs carbon containing chemicals that can react to produce ozone and other secondary pollutants We have reduced U S air pollution Scrubbers chemically convert or physically remove airborne pollutants before they are emitted from smokestacks Toxic pollutants pose health risks Toxic Air Pollutants substances known to cause cancer reproductive defects or neurological developmental immune system or respiratory problems Industrializing nations are suffering increasing air pollution The people of China suffer some of the world s worst air pollution Smog is our most common air quality problem Industrial Smog when coal or oil is burned some portion is completely combusted forming CO 2 some partially combusts producing CO and some remains unburned and is released as soot Photochemical smog results from a series of reactions Photochemical Smog forms when sunlight drives chemical reactions between primary pollutants and normal atmospheric compounds producing a mix of over 100 different chemicals with tropospheric ozone often the most abundant Synthetic chemicals deplete stratospheric ozone Ozone Depleting Substances human made airborne chemicals that destroy ozone Halocarbons human made compounds derived from simple hydrocarbons in which hydrogen atoms are replaced by halogen atoms such as chlorine bromine or fluorine These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute Chlorofluorocarbons CFCs one class of halocarbon thought to be harmless because they rarely reacted with other chemicals
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