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SYLLABUS PY 131 Conceptual Physics T H 10 15 11 30 RD 315 Instructor Contact Information Keith Warren NC State University 421 Riddick Hall Raleigh NC 27695 8202 919 513 2708 keith warren ncsu edu Always add PY 131 and your section number to the subject line Office Hours Riddick Hall I am generally in my office and available around 9am each day Please feel free to schedule an appointment or just drop by I will also be available immediately after class each day Course Description This course covers the fundamentals of physics from a conceptual rather than a mathematical viewpoint Students will learn how physics underlies their everyday experiences Real life applications which every student can relate to are used to explain concepts such as gravity motion sound electricity and magnetism Numerous discussions video demonstrations and discovery based laboratories further enrich the learning experience Course Goals This course is designed to help students enhance the way they see the world by wondering about things they may have once taken for granted begin to think about the physics in everything they see around them and gain a richer understanding of everyday physical phenomena Required Materials to purchase for the course 1 Textbook Conceptual Physics Media Update 11th edition by Paul G Hewitt 2009 ISBN 0321568095 You may use an older edition if you can find one The older versions have some different homework and the chapter numbers are moved around some The material however is comparable If you have an older version ensure you are in the correct chapter 2 Clicker You can purchase a new clicker from the bookstore for 50 The bookstore offers a buyback program Clickers will be used each day to engage students with peer instruction Recent studies have shown that students master physics concepts more efficiently when they are actively engaged in the discussion The clicker allows you to answer questions anonymously and also immediately see if you understanding matches that of your classmates 3 WebAssign for the class section 001 This will be for homework assignments and your course grades will be stored here 4 WebAssign for the lab section 20x Your pre lab and lab assignments will be submitted here for your TA to grade Course Organization This course contains seven modules Each Module is then made up of specific chapters in the book 1 Linear Motion Kinematics and Newton s Laws 2 Momentum Energy and Rotational Motion 3 Projectile Motion Orbits and Gravity 4 Phase Temperature and Heat 5 Vibrations and Waves 6 Electricity and Magnetism 7 Optics and Relativity Course Schedule The following dates are subject to change 1 10 Course Introduction 1 12 Newton s 1st Law 1 17 Linear Motion 1 19 Newton s 2nd and 3rd Laws 1 24 Momentum 1 26 Energy 1 31 Rotational Motion 2 2 TEST 1 2 7 Gravity 2 9 Projectiles 2 14 Solids and Liquids 2 16 Gases 2 21 Temperature Heat and Expansion 2 23 Heat Transfer 2 28 Phase Change 3 1 TEST 2 3 6 Spring Break 3 8 Spring Break 3 13 Vibrations and Waves 3 15 Sound 3 20 Electrostatics 3 22 Electric Current 3 27 Magnetism 3 29 Electric Induction 4 3 TEST 3 4 5 Spring Holiday 4 10 Properties of Light 4 12 Color 4 17 Reflection and Refraction 4 19 TEST 4 4 24 Special Relativity 4 26 Course Review 5 3 9 11AM Final Exam same room Course Requirements You are expected to Complete all assignments by the due date and participate in all class discussions Complete all module tests and the final exam Readings For each lecture you will be responsible for reading assigned textbook chapters and reviewing other online material or articles that may be provided Homework All lectures have an accompanying homework assignment that will be graded If you do not complete your homework on time you may request one automatic extension per homework assignment during the first seven days after the assignment is due Should you use your extension you will automatically lose 50 on any uncompleted questions Labs You are also registered for a lab section 20x You are required to register for WebAssign for the lab When you do you will have access to your lab manual You will have pre lab assignments due prior to attending lab each week Please read the physics lab web page to find important information regarding lab http www physics ncsu edu pylabs 131 Because lab is an integral part of the course as a whole if you receive a grade below 50 in lab you will fail the whole course Final Exam The final exam is required for all students and covers all content in the textbook for chapters covered in class The final exam is worth 15 of your final grade Missed Test Policy NO MAKEUP TESTS for any reason If you miss a test and present university accepted documentation within 1 week of missing the test I will assign your final exam grade to the missed test this will weigh your final more Without university accepted documentation you will receive a zero for that test Assignment Percentage Class Participation 5 Homework 10 Lab 10 Test 1 16 Test 2 20 Test 3 16 Test 4 8 Final Exam 15 TOTAL 100 A 97 0 A 93 0 A 90 0 B 87 0 B 83 0 B 80 0 C 77 0 C 73 0 C 70 0 D 67 0 D 63 0 D 60 0 Extra Credit at the End of the Term There is none You are given ample opportunities throughout the semester to obtain a good grade for the course Monitor your grades throughout the semester If you are not receiving the grades you think you should be make an appointment to discuss your grades and study habits with your professor It is far easier to fix problems early in the semester than after the last test has been taken Communicating with Your Instructor For questions regarding your individual grade please email me I will generally respond to emails within 48 hours with the exception of holidays and holiday weekends On regular weekdays responses will typically be sooner than 48 hours Academic Integrity Students are expected to abide by the principles outlined in NC State University s Code of student Conduct See http www ncsu edu policies student services student conduct POL445 00 1 htm The university has procedures in place for academic integrity violations A RAIV form may be used to adjust student grades http www ncsu edu student affairs osc documents RAIVform pdf By the conclusion of each examination students will be required to sign the University Honor Pledge I have neither given nor received unauthorized aid on this test or assignment Although no honor pledge appears on the homework assignments it is expected that students will complete

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