MSU HNF 461 - Body Compostition, BMI, and Metabolic Syndrome Pt 2 and Food Intake Regulation

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HNF 461 1st Edition Lecture 33 Outline of Last Lecture 1 BMI 2 BMI and Mortality 3 Children s BMI 4 Fat Distribution and Health Risks 5 Body Composition a Two Component Model 6 Measurement of Body Composition and Densitometry a Body Density Formula Outline of Current Lecture 1 Anthropometry 2 Other Methods of Measuring Body Composition 3 Metabolic Syndrome 4 Insulin Resistance 5 Reversal of Metabolic Syndrome 6 Control of Food Intake 7 Long Term Regulation of Food Intake 8 Short Term Regulation of Food Intake 9 Hypothalamus 10 Insulin s and Leptin s Role in Food Intake 11 AMPK Current Lecture Body Composition BMI and Metabolic Syndrome Pt 2 and Food Intake Regulation I Anthropometry These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute a Estimates body composition through the measurement of thickness of skin at various skin fold sites on the body b Assumptions i Fat beneath the skin represents most of the skin fold measurement ii A direct relationship exists between total body fat and fat deposited beneath the skin II Other Methods of Measuring Body Composition a Absorptiometry DEXA b CAT scan 3D model c MRI scan d Bioelectric Impedance measures electric conductivity of the body i Lean body tissues good conductors ii Fat is poor conductor e Total Body Water i Fat free mass is 73 2 water ii Once TBW is determined fat free mass can be calculated by dividing by 732 f Total Body Potassium i K is in cells but not associated with fat III Metabolic Syndrome a Clustering of risk factors for CVD type II diabetes and kidney disease b At risk if have at least three of the following factors i Elevated waist circumference ii Elevated triglycerides iii Reduced HDL iv Elevated blood pressure v Elevated Fasting glucose IV Insulin Resistance Key feature in metabolic syndrome a Skeletal muscle resistance to insulin b Adipose tissue resistance increased NEFA release c Liver resistance increased TAG synthesis d Kidney resistance increased NA retention V Reversal of Metabolic Syndrome a Diet Composition b Modest weight loss VI Control of Food Intake a Behavioral Aspects b Biological control associated with meal glucose lipids and amino acids c CNS VII Long Term Regulation of Food Intake a Leptin Status of Fat stores i High levels of fat high concentrations of leptin ii Leptin decreases food intake through leptin cycle 1 If this pathway always worked no one would be obese 2 Leptin Resistance neurons not receptive to leptin signal to stop food intake is not received weight gain b Insulin Carbohydrate repleteness i Insulin decreases food intake VIII Short Term Regulation of Food Intake a Arises mostly from GI tract b Meal Size Satiety Hormones at End of Meal i Anorexigenic decrease food intake ii CCK PYY and GLP 1 c Initiation of Meal i Ghrelin secreted by stomach orexigenic increases food intake d Hormones travel through blood or via vagus nerve to the brain IX Hypothalamus a Central feeding organ regulates short and long term food intake b Two groups of neurons that control intake i Intake Promoting Orexigenic NPY AGRP ii Intake Inhibiting Anorexigenic POMC derived peptides alpha MSH CART X Insulin s and Leptin s Role in Food Intake a Inhibit NPY and AGRP i Food intake will be reduced b Stimulate POMC and CART i Food intake will be reduced XI AMPK a AMP ATP ratio monitored b AMPK activated by low ATP high AMP ATP ratio i Activation leads to increased food intake c Ghrelin AGRP and low glucose increase AMPK activity d Leptin insulin high glucose and BCAA decrease AMPK activity

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MSU HNF 461 - Body Compostition, BMI, and Metabolic Syndrome Pt 2 and Food Intake Regulation

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