UMD CMSC 351 - Order Statistics

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Simply stated Given a list of n unique values find the ith smallest Common Examples 1st smallest Minimum nth smallest Maximum n 2th smallest Median How can we approach solving such problems Trivial Way Sort the list and then return the ith position This is clearly not a good approach for things such as minimum and maximum This may or may not be a good approach for other problems such as median finding In the worst case finding the minimum requires n1 comparisons Finding the minimum can easily be done using at worst n 1 comparisons Call the first item in the list the smallest For each item remaining compare it to the item currently considered smallest and if it is smaller than that item set this new item as the smallest Do other algorithms exist Sure but are they better What would the runtime be of the following recursive algorithm Split the list in half Find the minimum of each half Take the minimum of the two local minima returned Consider the following scenario You are given a list of coordinates and are asking to return a bounding box for these points Your getBoundingBox method would need to find both the minimum x coordinate as well as the maximum x coordinate and then do the same for the y coordinates In general given a list of items it is easy to find the minimum and the maximum using 2 n 1 comparisons Can we do better What is the runtime of the following algorithm to find the minimum and maximum at the same time and will it always give the correct results Traverse the list once two at a time comparing pairs As this is done create two sub lists SubList1 for the greater of the pair wise comparisons and SubList2 for the lesser Call the regular maximum algorithm on SubList1 and the regular minimum algorithm on SubList2 What is the runtime of the following algorithm to find the minimum and maximum at the same time and will it always give the correct results Compare the first two elements in the list Set the smaller as min and the larger as max For the remaining elements of the list Pair up and compare the items in each pair Compare the smaller of the pair to the current min replacing it if we have a new min Compare the larger of the pair to the current max replacing it if we have a new max

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UMD CMSC 351 - Order Statistics

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