MAN 320F Lecture 4 Outline of Last Lecture I Synergy Outline of Current Lecture I Key Ethical Issues in Martha M Case Study II Client Sending Mixed Signals III Martha s Options IV Voice Stand up and be countered V Exercising Voice VI Seleris Impact on Martha Organizational Culture VII Martha s Behaviors Current Lecture I Key Ethical Issues in Martha M Case Study Divulging in trading secrets Paying for information paying off someone for info working for the competito II Client Sending Mixed Signals These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute Client wants to avoid anitrust law violations BUT client is willing to offer incentives to a former employee in terms of obtaining info this is a conflict The client s marketing manager doubles Seleris s fee to provide their source with an adequate incentive a On one hand saying we don t want you in comm with competitive firm b On other hand heres additional money to go gather that info c So client wants the proprietary info Access to proprietary information without appearance of having obtained it illicitly illegally Client is part of the problem here too III Martha s Options Pass it on to a co worker Complete the project just get it done Pass the project to Chuck Kaufmann Talk to Malone and Richardson Contact the CEO in Chicago Call a lawyer but could break confidentiality agreement she has She could quit The three most likely options can be summarized as LOYALY EXIT AND VOICE IV Voice Stand up and be countered Voicing her concerns This is the most difficult for her to do probably Attempting to develop an alternative approach to the work at IADalternatives to which the work can be completely She can treat the situation as a big opportunity to develop as a leaderthis can be that moment that she stands up to change She can try to solve the clients problems in a way that reserves integrity and brings about change at IAD Great opportunity if shes willing to stand up not easy to do she will learn how to navigate through all of these ethical landmines and personal complexities that exist in these situations where you want to bring about change If shes willing to stand up no guarantee she will be successful Theres a reasonable probability that her job would be in jeopardy if she does it V Exercising Voice a Be honest with Devon about the project b Ascertain whether Devon s knowledge will be valuable to the client she may be getting zero value info c An open discussion with her superiors at the firm Tom Malone and Ty Richardson i However McCaskey must anticipate a negative response consequences bc they wont be pleased if she does anything to jeopardize the contract ii Pressured to continue down to the questionable path of Devon and the client in the dark Honest and open discussion with Devon the client and Malone and Richardson would provide a pivotal opportunity for McCaskey to develop herself as a leader d Learn how to navigate practical ethical and personal concerns in a forthright manner e Deliver information that may expose her to the disapproval of others f Taking on responsibility accepting the risks and costs of enacting change g McCaskey can build a coalition among people at the firm committed to finding less unsavory ways of operating more respectable ways to do things h Contacting the managing director in Chicago easier to do this if you have a coalition of people behind you VI Seleris Impact on Martha Organizational Culture The culture of the firm brash culture there she liked that McCaskey was attracted to IAD because of its rapid growth and exciting projects There is no ballast to keep culture in check no checks and balances no formal policies No formal or informal control systems IAD has no written policies the people run around and do whatever they need want to do to get the job done If leadership is willig to be unethical makes it easier for employees to be unethical The head of the firm Ty Richardson does deliver occasional lunchtime talks about IAD s policies but these tended to be quite vague and general a No real teeth behind it IAD the old guard and the new guard theres big divide between these two subgroups two subgroups could contribute to unethical behavior makes it easier for that kind of behavior to take place if members of the new guard come close to the ethical line they would never go as far as the old guard Bud Hackert prided himself on running a tight shop and on his ability to get the job done no matter what it took Both the old and new guard want to be perceived as capable of delivering on tough assignments Consultants believe their leaders are primarily driven by money Missing is any indication of integrity respect or commitment to values Leaders seem self engrossed Self absorbed show up to NYE party in new car The culture structure and leadership of IAD creates and environment ripe for intentional and unintentional misconduct VII Martha s Behaviors She avoids confrontation conflict and silences her own doubts and emotions a When Richardson pressures her to complete the report and then staffs her immediately on another project she says nothing b Discussion with peers never rises to questioning the leadershipdoesn t say leadership is making bad decisions c The way the old guard uses ex employees to gather data never voices her concerns She always shes these little things going wrong and she hasn t spoken up How easy and common it is for people to silence their doubts d Fear of negative repercussions e Concerns about appearing self righteous f Limited experience raising difficult issues g Avoid unpleasant conversation and letting issues go unaddressed all contribute no one likes uncomfortable convos Compounding these inhibitions is the streak of success McCaksey has enjoyed everything that she touches has worked out fine so she cant express herself when she sees negative things bc only good things have happened to her she hasn t had to deal with any negative situations so it makes it difficult for her to voice her concern If things will change she has to be willing to stand up
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