UT MAN 320F - Synergy

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MAN 320F Lecture 3 Outline of Last Lecture I OB Behavior and Management Outline of Current Lecture I Synergy II Synergistic Decision Making III The Interpersonal Process IV Listening V Constructive Differing VI Participating VII The Rational Process VIII Reaching a Consensus Decision Current Lecture I Synergy In this case synergy occurred bc not a single individual did better than the group score Yet what you will find is that in each of these cases there was one person with a surviving score Best individual scores are all surviving scores When you do an exercise like this nothing is always perfect there s always an outlier II Synergistic Decision Making These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute III Synergistic decision making is based on the premise that a 1 People are supportive of one another and b 2 They follow a rational sequence of activities in dealing with a problem c 3 They can perform beyond the sum of their individual resources d by working together can perform beyond the sum of their individual results 1 1 3 IV The Interpersonal Process Listening to others Supporting their efforts to do well Differing with others when necessary in a manner that is constructive rather than defensive a Different ways to disagree with someone b Be constructive Participating equally in group discussions c Sometimes you see groups not performing as well because not everyone will participate people feel uncomfortable to speak up V Listening Objectively weigh what has been said Try to understand contributions from the speaker s point of view understanding others and all views Periodically review and summarize what has been stated VI Constructive Differing Means being tactful in terms of how you disagree helps to be tactful State differences without accusing and without implying that the other person is wrong Clearly specify differences Focus on the reasons for the differences Treat differences as a source of ideas rather than a source of interpersonal conflict VII Participating You are all in it together Recognize that you are facing the problem as a group Determine whether everyone agrees with statements regarding the group s position Ask less talkative members for their ideas and opinions Ensure that ALL members feel comfortable enough to express their ideas VIII The Rational Process Analyze the situation a Sort out the facts from the assumptions Unchallenged and unrealistic assumptions are a primary cause of mistakes be clear on what is and what is not important especially in reading the cases if they are more pages Identify objectives or goals b Objective was to survive Confusion between objectives and actions is one reason people tend to leap before they look Simplify the problem c Create sub problems getting dry staying warm developing a system for communicating your location simplifying the problem will make it much easier to make decisions prioritize Consider alternative strategies d Do not dismiss alternatives without evaluating them e Decision making cannot be successful without considering alternatives f In subarctic there are two general strategies for survival stay or leave The decisions between these two is critical between life and death Discuss adverse consequences g Weigh pros and cons IX Reaching a Consensus Decision Effective Decision Quality x Acceptance Voting and majority rule are not used to defeat dissenting members Priority is placed on ranking the items in a way that all members can live with Alternatives and rankings are modified to satisfy members with serious reservations so everyone is ok with them if you can get to state of acceptance you will reach consensus Members build on that upon which they agree

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UT MAN 320F - Synergy

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