UT MAN 320F - Successful versus Effective Managers

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MAN 320F Lecture 1 Outline of Last Lecture I Organizational Behavior Outline of Current Lecture II Successful versus Effective Managers III Chart IV Determinant of Employee Performance V Job Satisfaction VI Goals of OB VII Money VIII Managing Diversity IX Individual Behavior X Personality XI Big 5 Model of Personality XII Locus of Control XIII Niccolo Machiavelli XIV Self Monitoring XV Risk Propensity XVI Type A Personality XVII Narcissism XVIII Emotional Intelligence XIX Ethical Behavior XX The Values of World Leading Organization Current Lecture I Successful versus Effective Managers a An effective manager is great at getting the job done they know how to get the job done and how to do it properly they know how to do it effectively b A successful manager gets the promotions moves up the corporate ladder progressing their career forward c What doe a successful manager do that is different than an effective manager These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute II Chart a Successful managers NETWORK they meet new people spend 48 of their time networking i The manager that is moving up and moving career forward spend their time networking with people in the organization senior manager other departments customers etc ii Its not necessarily what you know but WHO you know iii get out there and network and have good communication skills III Determinant of Employee Performance a Productivity the effectiveness how well you are doing those things and efficiency getting things done quickly getting it all done of the employees in productivity you look for both b Absenteeism when people don t come to work if someone does not come someone else has to take on their responsibility so there is a cost associated with it c Turnover rate by which employees leave the organizationthere s a cost when employee leaves there s a cost to go recruit and train people IV Job Satisfaction a How do you feel about the job Does it excite you in the mornings b There s a link between satisfaction and productivity c If someone is happy feels good about their job they will be productive d Satisfaction is negatively related to absenteeism and turnover if you don t like your job you will be absent and you probably wont stay there too long e Flip side if you do like it you will show up and continue to work there V Goals of OB a Explain can we have influence in the workplace with peoples behavior dynamics structure to do better at achieving goals and objectives of org b Predict c Influence control i All of this stuff above VI Money a Increase job satisfaction positive influence on performance gives us positive influence on profits since meaning of life is money b Improve job satisfaction and performance then improve profitability and everyone wins c That s why we care VII Managing Diversity a Managers have to shift their philosophy from treating everyone alike to recognizing differences b Responding to those differences in ways that ensure employee retention and greater productivity while at the same time not discriminating c Greater the diversity greater their ability to solve problems and develop innovative solutions thats been documented d Also greater diversity higher stock price bc better solutions mean increase profitability VIII Individual Behavior a Our objective is to try and to understand what makes someone do what they do b What makes someone tick c To better understand job performance and job satisfaction d Bottom line how can we utilize our people to increase profitability IX Personality a A relatively stable set of characteristics that influences an individual s behavior b Personality is the way in which an individual reacts and interacts with others c Often described in terms of traits such as shy aggressive lazy loyal X Big 5 Model of Personality a Extroversion comfort level with new relationships i Sociable gregarious and assertive b Agreeableness propensity to defer to others are you trusting i Good natured cooperative and trusting ii its always good to be a balance of these not one extreme or the other c Conscientiousness measure of reliability i Can you be counted on responsible dependable organized d Emotional Stability dealing with stress stressful situations i Calm self confident stress e Openness to Experience creativity and novelty i Curious imaginative artistic XI Locus of Control Belief that life is controlled by oneself vs outsiders o Internal we have control over our destiny and our future people who believe that they control what happens to them o External what happens to them is controlled by outside forces such as luck chance faith XII Niccolo Machiavelli a They are good at manipulating people taking control over other people s emotions to control them b Machiavellianism tendency to manipulate and maintaining emotional distance i Conditions favoring high Machs 1 Direct interaction with others 2 Minimal rules and regulations 3 Emotions distrat for others take advantage of other peoples emotions c Its better to be FEARED than LOVED d The end justifies the MEANS XIII Self Monitoring a Sensitive to external cues to behave differently b These people are very flexible in their own personality like chamelions i They are more flexible and more mobile in their careers ii They typically receive better performance ratings and are likely to emerge as leaders iii High self monitors show a strong ability to adapt to their behaviors XIV Risk Propensity a Willingness to take chances high and low risk takers i The Donald ii 1960 0 iii 1985 a fortune iv 1994 850 million in debt v 2001 2 billion vi 2004 bankrupt vii 2009 74th richest person in the world viii he has high propensity for risk XV Type A Personality a Incessantly struggling to achieve more i Always moving walking staying busy ii Impatient iii Multi tasker iv Cant cope with leisure time v Obsessed with measuring their success vi Generally make great sales reps great hunters good at looking for the game to sell too and motivated by the rewards XVI Narcissism a High degree of self importance and arrogance in love with themselves b Productive versus non productive i Productive all about themselves but not forgetting company they work for and ensuring company is successful too ii Non productive only for their own benefit not for the company XVII Emotional Intelligence a Internal skills ability to deal with demands pressure and stress i Self

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UT MAN 320F - Successful versus Effective Managers

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