UT Knoxville BIOL 101 - Physiology Definitions

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Physiology Definitions Anatomy the study of the physical structures that make up an organism Tissue an organized collection of a single cell type working to carry out a specific function Organ a structure made up of different tissue types working together to carry out a common function Organ System a set of cooperating organs within the body Physiology the study of the way a living organism s physical parts function Homeostasis the maintenance of a relatively stable environment even when the external environment changes Thermoregulation the maintenance of a relatively stable internal body temperature Vasoconstriction the reduction in diameter of blood vessels which helps to retain heat Vasodilation the expansion in diameter of blood vessels which helps to release heat Hypoxia a state of low oxygen concentration in the blood Acclimatization the process of physiologically adjusting to an environmental change over a period of time Acclimatization is generally reversible Hypothalamus a master coordinator region of the brain responsible for a variety of physiological functions Sensor a specialized cell that detects specific sensory input like temperature pressure or solute concentration Effector a call or tissue that acts to exert a response on the basis of information relayed from a sensor Feedback Loop a pathway that involves input from a sensor a response via an effector and detection of the response by the sensor Nervous System the collection of organs that sense and respond to information including the brain spinal cord and nerves Endocrine System the collection of hormone secreting glands and organs with hormonesecreting cells Hormone a chemical signaling molecule that is released by a cell or gland and travels through the bloodstream to exert an effect on target cells Hypothermia a drop of body temperature below 35 degrees Celsius 95 degrees Fahrenheit which causes enzyme malfunction and eventually death Glycogen an energy storing carbohydrate found in liver and muscle Pancreas an organ that secretes the hormones insulin and glucagon as well as digestive enzymes Insulin a hormone secreted by the pancreas that regulates blood sugar Glucagon a hormone produced by the pancreas that causes an increase in blood sugar Osmolarity the concentration of dissolved solutes in blood and other bodily fluids Osmoregulation the maintenance of relatively stable volume pressure and solute concentration or bodily fluids especially blood Kidney an organ involved in osmoregulation filtration of blood to remove wastes and production of several important hormones Endotherm an animal that can generate body heat internally to maintain its body temperature Ectotherm an animal that relies on environmental sources of heat such as sunlight to maintain its body temperature

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UT Knoxville BIOL 101 - Physiology Definitions

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