Genes to Proteins Definitions Transgenic refers to an organism that carries one or more genes from a different species Protein a macromolecule made of repeating subunits known as amino acids which determine the shape and function of a protein Proteins play many critical roles in living organisms Amino Acids the building blocks of proteins There are 20 different amino acids Gene a sequence of DNA that contains the information to make at least one protein Gene Expression the process of using DNA instructions to make proteins Genotype the genetic makeup of an organism Phenotype the physical attributes of an organism including both observable and internal or non observable traits Alleles alternative versions of the same gene that have different nucleotide sequences Regulatory Sequence the part of a gene that determines timing amount and location of protein produced Coding Sequence the part of a gene that specifies the amino acid sequence of a protein Coding sequences determine the identity shape and function of proteins Genetically Modified Organism GMO an organism that has been genetically altered by humans Gene Therapy a type of treatment that aims to cure disease by replacing defective genes with functional ones Transcription the first stage of gene expression during which cells produce molecules of messenger RNA mRNA from the instructions encoded within genes Translation the second stage of gene expression Translation reads mRNA sequences and assembles the corresponding amino acids to make a protein Messenger RNA mRNA the RNA copy of an original DNA sequence made during transcription RNA Polymerase the enzyme that accomplishes transcription RNA polymerase copies a strand of DNA into a complementary strand of mRNA Ribosome the cellular machinery that assembles proteins during the process of translation Codon the sequence of three mRNA nucleotides that specifies a particular amino acid Transfer RNA tRNA a type of RNA that helps ribosomes assemble chains of amino acids during translation Anticodon the part of a tRNA molecule that binds to a complementary mRNA codon Genetic Code the particular amino acids specified by particular mRNA codons
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