Final Presentation Introduction to the Amazon BASIC FACTS What makes the Amazon unique FYI s conditions that make a rainforest uniqueness Size biodiversity stats Conditions for existence of rainforest The two factors which enable a rainforest to exist are an almost constant temperature and a high regular precipitation rate These two characteristics are the basis for all functions which occur What makes a rainforest unique The actual forest begins with a thick nearly impenetrable wall of trees vines and shrubs Once inside this wall the forest is actually very open with relatively little underbrush The forest is comprised of several canopy levels each with its unique group of flora and fauna The physical structure of the forest is very efficient capturing most of the sunlight before it reaches the ground story This is the reason for relatively little vegetation on the floor of the forest Soil FYI Most of the nutrients in the forest are locked up in the vegetation The soil is not very rich or thick It is estimated that there is only about 1 of leaf litter and 1 2 of topsoil However the conditions in the rainforest high moisture and warm temperature allow for a very quick decomposition rate so nutrients are recycled very quickly Biodiversity FYI Brazil alone has between 10 and 20 of the world s biodiversity with approximately 500 species of mammals1 1600 species of birds2 and 1 million species of insects3 and 50 0004 species of plants in a 2 5 million square mile area5 Exports FYI Many of the products that are important in the world economy are native to Brazil including ground nuts Carnauba wax palm rubber trees guarana pineapple cashew nuts as well as many species necessary for medicinal purposes 6 Conditions for biodiversity The dense population of tall trees creates a canopy that creates a constant warm humid and dimly lit environment to the lower layers In these unique conditions many there are species that have only evolved in the Amazon 1 http www pbs org journeyintoamazonia enter html http www txdirect net sitc sci rain htm 3 http www pbs org journeyintoamazonia enter html 4 First National Report for the Convention on Biological Diversity Brazil 5 http www pbs org journeyintoamazonia enter html 6 First National Report for the Convention on Biological Diversity Brazil 2 Intro to cycles The high density of life results in a very fast turnover of nutrients in the environment Almost all nutrients are stored in the biotic parts of the ecosystem Waste matter of plants and animals is quickly metabolized by decomposers and re incorporated into living organisms Due to this the effects of removing biotic elements from an area can have very serious effects see Human Impact Deforestation and Monitoring Biomass HOW IS THE AMAZON BENEFICIAL Rainforest key to storing CO2 The forests play a key role in the storage of CO2 if they are eliminated the excess of CO2 in the atmosphere can result in global warming How much CO2 is taken out of the atmosphere by the Amazon If there was no rainforest what would be wrong with the planet Ans CO2 levels biodiversity medicines check and encyclopedia INTRODUCTION TO THE PLAYERS IBAMA Brazilian Institute for the Environment and Renewable Natural Resources Background The IBAMA the Brazilian Institute for the Environment and Renewable Natural Resources is the critical environmental governing agency of the Brazilian Government It regulates the use of the environment especially the rainforest It is responsible for creating laws restricting logging farming land clearing construction deforestation waterway use and air regulation amongst other things 7 CONAMA The National Environment Council CONAMA The National Environment Council CONAMA was created by Brazilian environmental Law No 6 938 in August 1981 According to the First national report for the Convention on Biological Diversity CONAMA establishes the norms and criteria for the licensing of polluting or environmentally damaging activities and determines whenever necessary research on alternatives and of the possible environmental consequences of public or private projects 8 Amazon Region Protected Areas ARPA Project The aforementioned Amazon Region Protected Areas ARPA Project is a 10 year 7 No author The ARPA Amazon Region Protected Areas Project Overview Report PID11197 9 May 2002 n pag On line Internet 12 October 2002 Available WWW http wwwwds worldbank org servlet WDS IBank Servlet pcont details eid 000094946 0205170414391 8 AUTHOR UNKNOWN First national report for the Convention on Biological Diversity Chapter IV Legislation Policies and Programmes Implementing Article 6 of the Convention on Biological Diversity government program It was created to establish a mosaic of protected areas in the Brazilian Amazon Each year it expands its ambitions as it works towards its goal of rainforest conservation American Relations Congress biannually reviews foreign aid including aid to Brazil There are many American conservation groups including Greenpeace and Amazon Conservation Team ACT which have already established strong public relations with important US politicians and representatives International Relations Japan The Japanese Government is conduction a National Network Genome Project with incredible success in the Amazon near the Rio Negro River This demonstrates their interests in the Amazon and their potential willingness to aid in further research and preservation Holland A Dutch group named the National Institute of Amazon Research INPA is a leader in Amazon research Future research support and cooperation can be expected of this group and similar organizations Economic Characterization As of the 1990 estimate 17 4 of the population lies below the poverty line with an unemployment rate of 7 1 2000 The tenth of the population with highest income receives 47 6 of capital earned while the bottom tenth receives only 1 Central Intelligence Agency This type of wealth distribution has been a significant contributor to social conflict and the recent regime change The debt to GDP ratio increased 26 between 1994 and 2002 with the Net Consolidated Public Debt of R 708 45 billion i e 56 of the GDP Def n of a player any individual group government or company that impacts or is impacted by the well being of the rainforest Impacters Ranchers farmers politicians laws logging companies mining companies energy plants fossil fuel emissions etc Impactees Indigenous people well being fluctuates with the well being of the
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