Dance 101 Lecture Outline Week Seven TEXT CHAPTER SIX MODERN DANCE VIDEO THE INDIVIDAUL AND TRADITION THE HISTORY OF MODERN DANCE ISADORA DENISHAWN THE BIRTH OF MODERN DANCE MARTHA GRAHAM IN PERFORMANCE Modern Dance Evolved in the late 1800s and early 1900s as a revolt against perceived restrictions limitations of ballet Themes inspirations involve real life situations and societal issues Continued fascination with the Ancient World India China Egypt Greece Genre differs widely in style approach and methodology Forerunners of Modern Dance Isadora Duncan 1877 1927 Free flowing fabrics unrestricted clothing and bare feet connection with nature Air on the G String Mother Isadorables Loie Fuller 1862 1928 Rudolf Von Laban 1879 1958 Labanotation Laban Movement Analysis Mary Wigman 1886 1973 Ruth St Denis 1878 1968 Music Visualization Ted Shawn 1891 1972 Denishawn Jacob s Pillow Vaudeville Pioneers of Modern Dance Doris Humphrey 1895 1958 Charles Weidman 1901 1975 Kinetic Pantomime The Shakers 1931 Lynch Town 1935 Water Study 1928 Technique based on Fall and Recovery Martha Graham 1894 1990 Technique based on Contraction and Release Cave of the Heart 1946 Appalachian Spring 1944 Night Journey 1947 Chronicle 1936 Hanya Holm 1898 1992 Kiss Me Kate My Fair Lady Kurt Jooss 1901 1979 The Green Table
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