UW ATMS 101 - Study Guide

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Atmospheric Sciences 101 Name Autumn 2006 Student Section Homework 1 Due Thursday October 5 2006 at the beginning of class Please show your work 1 Fill in the blanks 98 6 F C 25 C F 190 K C 14 7 lb in2 inches of Hg 10 knots mph 25 cm inches 70 feet m 25 miles km K K F mb m s 2 A particular field of snow is heavily crusted over This crust can support a pressure of 1 lb per square inch before it collapses A 240 lb man with two skis 3 inches wide and 60 inches long tries to ski over the snow What is the pressure lbs per square inch on the snow due to skis Will the skier collapse the snow crust 3 On a clear night the temperature at a surface station fell from 25 C to 15 C Fog began to form when the temperature reached 17 C What is the dewpoint temperature 4 If we used a liquid twice as dense as mercury in a barometer approximately how high would the column of that liquid be under normal sea level conditions 5 How much does the kinetic energy of the wind change as wind speed increases by 50 Since the wind s kinetic energy is a measure of its destructive power what does that imply regarding damage 6 In class we talked about the Torricelli barometer in which a long test tube full of mercury was inverted into a dish of mercury see figure below Assuming that the atmospheric pressure is P answer the following a At point A in the test tube located at the height of the top of the mercury in the dish what is the downward pressure forced by the mercury column B A b At point B at the top of the mercury column what is the pressure c If the atmospheric pressure increases what will happen to the height of the mercury column

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UW ATMS 101 - Study Guide

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