MIT 9 14 - Midterm Review

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9 14 Midterm review Selected Questions from readings 1 Animals with large brains are rare there are tremendous costs associated with large brains Allman ch 1 What costs 2 How does its location on a cladogram indicate that Amphioxus is a creature of special interest for studies of vertebrate evolution Streidter ch 3 Schneider 3 What is a neuromere Striedter ch 3 Schneider 4 What are the attributes of a cortex in the brain Nauta Feirtag ch 3 5 Vertebrate embryos at early stages consist of what three layers Swanson ch 4a Schneider 6 What are sensory placodes Swanson ch 4a Purves Lichtman ch 1 7 Which primary sensory neurons are at the surface of the body Nauta ch 5 Schneider 8 What is meant by a lemniscus Nauta ch 5 Schneider 9 What property evolved in birds and mammals that required a ten fold increase in energy expenditure Allman ch 5 10 What was a very important result of the major transformation of the hearing apparatus that occurred in the earliest mammals Allman ch 5 11 How is pedomorphism in early mammals related to relative brain size Allman ch 5 12 What structure in birds is genetically related to the neocortex of mammals Allman ch 5 13 What technical advances in neuroembryology can attributed to Ross G Harrison Purves Lichtman ch 4b Schneider 14 How did Speidel s method differ from Harrison s Purves Lichtman ch 5 Schneider 15 What is a filopodium plural filopodia What causes a filopodium to contract What enables it to stick to a substrate P L Zigmond et al Schneider 16 Contrast trophic and tropic effects of NGF Ibid Schneider 17 What are the three major divisions of the motor system How do the motor neurons differ in these three divisions Swanson ch 6 Schneider 18 Where are the rostral most somatic motor neurons located Where are the caudalmost somatic motor neurons located Swanson ch 6 Schneider 19 What is the epigenetic population matching mechanism in neural development Why is this mechanism described as epigenetic How can such a mechanism facilitate emergence of morphologically diverse brains in evolution Striedter ch 7 pp 220 221 20 What is the large equals well connected rule first proposed by Terrence Deacon 1990 Why is this rule reasonable judging from the perspective of brain development Striedter ch 7 pp 237 238 21 The cerebellum receives input from primary sensory neurons of which sense organ Through which cranial nerve Nauta ch 7 Schneider MIT OpenCourseWare http ocw mit edu 9 14 Brain Structure and Its Origins Spring 2009 For information about citing these materials or our Terms of Use visit http ocw mit edu terms

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MIT 9 14 - Midterm Review

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