MSU ISS 310 - Hurley Test

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ISS 310 Prof Alan Rudy People and Environment Spring 2000 Exam 3 Environmental Inequality By Andrew Hurley 1 To study social history we would a examine soil samples to determine the pollen count for trees plants and flowers b inventory the species in an ecology c look at the division of power and access to resources among a human population d identify the technologies that transform first nature into second nature 2 Andrew Hurley argues that during the late nineteenth century industrial capitalism molded urban society into two distinct groups those who owned capital and those who sold their labor to the capitalist In Gary the capitalists were A and the workers were B a A managers of US Steel B and the doctors and lawyers in the downtown district b A Gary s municipal government B and the doctors and lawyers in the downtown district c A the managers of McDonalds and Burger King and B the poor people that fled the toxic spill d A the managers of US Steel and B the Mexicans African Americans foreign and native born workers in the plant 3 African Americans seeking a new life in the industrial Northeast found in Gary a open arms and willing helpers b a society that ranked them according to their abilities and skills c a society that limited access to jobs housing recreation and civic life by race and class distinctions d a democracy that treated all social members as equals in the American nation 4 In urban communities Hurley argues that the wealthy a use liberal zoning rules to make it possible for the poor to live within their neighborhoods b use big lot zoning rules to filter those that can live in wealthy neighborhoods c use government and private property as a means to generate community equality d locate their homes next to golf course to cut down on driving time at tee time 5 For much of the century the environmental movement has been characterized as being a harmonious with African American views of the environment b at odds with the upper and middle class c unconcerned about oppressed minorities poverty and workplace safety d pandering to public sensibility with scientific certainty and logic 6 Gary s steel plant organized a continuous flow production line that moved unfinished raw inputs to a finished product of steel from a a cleaner workplace in the north to a dirty working environment in the south b a cleaner workplace in the east to a dirty working environment in the south c a dirty workplace in the east to a dirty working environment in the west d a dirty workplace in the east to a clean working environment in the west 7 US Steel recycled a under all circumstances b when a buck could be made or saved c to safe guard the future of Michigan fisheries 1 ISS 310 Prof Alan Rudy People and Environment Spring 2000 Exam 3 d to provide a clean and wholesome environment 8 From the 1920s to 40s Gary s population was a unequally exposed to pollution with the rich getting the brunt of it b equally exposed along class lines but not along racial lines c unequally exposed with Blacks getting it the worst d equally exposed along racial lines but ironically not along class lines 9 From the 20s to the 40s Gary s population was united on environment problems Their position was a to support industrialization and downplay the consequences of pollution b to oppose US Steel by fighting the company with lawsuits pickets and violence c supported by local state and federal government committed to reducing pollution d opposed by local state and federal government committed to reducing pollution 10 Why was Gary Indiana cited as a good place for blacks to live a Whites were progressive and open to a colorblind society b Blacks earned good wages and had equal access to and use of Gary s recreational spots c Blacks had a high median income that was higher than any other city in the US by 1969 d Blacks were treated as equals at work at public parks and in residential choice 11 What were the main excuses that the city of Gary gave for not taking action against pollution a Such action might jeopardize economic growth b Pollution control was too costly c Dirty air and water was the price one paid for industrial prosperity d All of the above 12 Gary s white collar middle class environmental concerns were most concerned about a downtown Gary air pollution b preservation of suburban amenities c fresh air pastoral landscapes open space d both b and c are correct 13 The construction of interstate highways including the one crossing Gary was an indicator of a working class interest in rapid access to parks b middle class interest in rapid access to suburbs c universal interest in escaping Gary s pollution though vacations d None of the above 14 What were some of the characteristics of Gary s suburban enclaves a High density development of the residential landscape b Low density development of the residential landscape c Open spaces and parks open to all d Both a and c are correct 15 What is Hurley implying when he states that Ironically suburbanization sparked a heightened sensitivity to industry s environmental practices a That middle class families developed a preoccupation with a healthy consumer life style b That middle class recreational demands ran into conflict with industry s productive wastes c That suburbanization gave the middle class the opportunity to take care of Mother Nature d Both a and c are correct 2 ISS 310 Prof Alan Rudy People and Environment Spring 2000 Exam 3 16 Hurley argues that Gary s middle class environmental movement was very much a women s movement What does he suggest is behind this a Women are recognized as the guardians of domestic welfare b Women s activism maintained traditional gender roles of no interference with public issues c Women s involvement provided a viable alternative to domestic confinement d Both a and c are correct 17 Political activism became an outlet for women a to exercise their civic concern and utilized their talents outside unpaid household labor b to get out of the house and talk to other middle class women the PTA and Girl Scouts c to exercise latent hostility against the men that oppressed them d to generate social conservatism and environmental decline 18 The realm of environmental politics in Gary was heavily influenced by industry and a legislature committed to economic growth How were women s environmental groups successful in obtaining government responses to some of their environmental concerns a they were able of explore other channels of

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