UT Arlington HIST 1311 - HIST_EnglishMercantilism&TheNorthAmericanColonies

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U S History to 1865 09 17 2013Class Notes History 1311 012 Dr Pinkney Remember to look at and study short answer terms Study first thirteen states for the test English mercantilism what is it and the thirteen colonies role in english merc did they fit into the system did the english merc system work English Mercantilism The North American Colonies I Mercantile Theory A definition B Role of Colonies C Navigation Acts II Colonial Evasion of N A A Complementary Competitive Economies B New England C Dominion of New England D Glorious Revolution III Expanding Merc System IV Evaluation of Merc System A Era of Salutary Neglect B Economic Results C Political Results Rough Lecture Notes England is in the process of est an empire of colonies mercantilism is an economic philosophy the west euro nations all believed that there was a limited quantity of silver and gold if there is a limited amount then the more one nation has than the less others do the goal of merc is to build up supply of gold and silver this enriches the nation and allows for dev of powerful military having more for yourself weakend economic enemies and weakens the military enemy bring in the gold and silver through successful trade a favorable balance of trade means as a nation you are selling more goods than you are buying export more than you import keep gold and silver flowing into your countries treasury not the opponents colonies have a two part role in achieving this goal colonies provide raw materials valuable colonies eventually bring rice into the euro countries colonies are the source of raw materials second benefit is that the colonials living in the colonies become consumers of englands goods the role of colonies is two fold provide raw materials buy consumer goods england must make sure that the colonial raw materals benefit the english system so that the raw materials dont go to the competition england wants to prevent colonials from dev small scale manufacturing so that they dont become competition themselves if england as a whole prosper from this system than so will the colonials beginning in the 1650s english parliment begins to pass legislation in order to bring colonials into a balanced trade cycle parliment passes navigation act of 1651 says that goods being transported to england has to be on english ships nav act of 1660 listed a group of products enumerated goods from the colonies that can only be traded to england or english colonies included cotton indigo tobacco later will include rice furs and naval stores naval stores refers to products raw materials include tar and turpentine these are the goods that are important the english industry according to merc system it is important to keep these raw goods out of competitors hands by 1660 england is being specific in nav act of 1663 staple act says requires that all goods being taken to the colonies must pass through an english port in the country of england the goods would be off loaded and a duty would be paid colonists object to this because costs of items and cost of living is going up southern colonies from maryland south are not having trouble becoming est into the merc system the more norther colonies were having trouble becoming est into the merc system the southern colonies were complementing the merc system the northern colonies are dev some competitive economies the soil is thin and rocky the climate is different in massachusettes bay it used to be usual to see different foriegn nations ships in the trading port england was trying to excommunicate these trade routes by 1673 england parliment tries to close loop hole by establishing customs agents in the colonies the loop hole was in the 1663 nav act colonials begin to bribe the customs agents to turn a blind eye and not collect the duty as differences become more est colonials begin to become fenomonial smugglers in 1685 james the second comes to monarchy and in 1686 revokes the charters of the new england colonies james sends a military man as a dominion govenor edmond andrews to new england to restore order and lawfulness his orders as a king were to enforce the navigation acts and arresting those who break these laws the general assemblies were dissolved and andrews is the one in power town meetings were limited to one per year from the colonial point of view in new england think that the king is taking measures a bit drastic andrews imposes new taxes the dominion of new england lasted form 1686 to 1688 ended because of the glorious revolution in england james the second was unpopular in england james was an autocrat he believed in the divine right of the king that there were no limitations of his power because of this concept he was in constant disagreement with the parliment parliment excomunicates the royale family and offers the throne to the elder daughter this led to an overthrow in the colonies and andrews is arrested and taken out of the colonies the monarchs renew the charters of the colonies all except plymouth so that plymouth must concatinate with massachuttes bay until this point the only people who could vote in massachuttes bay colony were church members monarchs change the charter to allow land owners to vote still have to be male and free england in the process of creating a global empire beginning in the 1650s england began to try to organize an economic plan called mercantilism spain and france and portugal are all dev world wide empires under philosophy of mercantilism colonies provide raw materials james II out william and mary come to the throne as monarchs going to support parliments efforts to create laws they arent bringing anything new to the table mercantilism expands under rule of mary and william parliments willingness to continue using law to get the colonies to fit into the economic plan 1696 parliment passes another navigation act required all colonial governers to enforce the navigation acts est in the colonies vice admiralty courts sole purpose was to hear cases against colonials in voilation of nav acts separate courts not part of the colony courts both groups military officers and officials had more loyalty to the king and they were the jury of vice admiralty courts allowed prosecutors to apply for writs of assistance very general and broad search warrant allowed the officials to go into the business and even the homes of the colonials very broad based search warrant colonials pissed about the separate courts to hear violations of the nav acts

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UT Arlington HIST 1311 - HIST_EnglishMercantilism&TheNorthAmericanColonies

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