UT Arlington HIST 1311 - HIST_Day2

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U S History to 1865 08 27 2013Class Notes History 1311 012 Dr Pinkney Age of Exploration I Factors Necessary A ris of nation states B capital C technology D motivation dev of countries Rise of spain und isabel ferdenand nation state controlled by family min conflict when son dies poloitcal stability england france spain portugal 1300 1400s countries coming together for political stability pol stab econ growth trade internal external trade capital rise of merchant class rise in capital venture capital risky like stocks prosperity apparent with rise of merchant class money not enough need technological advancements seafaring navigation ships used sails advanc began in portugal under leadership of prince henry in late 1300 1400s prince henry third in line henry interested in the ocean seafaring trade he established a sea faring school in sagres portugal city he tried to get the best map makers ship builders astronomers to come to school in sagres lot of tech adv developed the caravel dev in sagres up maneuverability shallow rig to travel in shallow rivers used several types of sails on a caravel had square but more importantly lateen sails triangle shaped up maneuv this overall was a tech breakthrough two of columbus ships were caravel other two were big rig made imporvements in tools scholars in sagres made the compass more precise inv by china improves the astrolabe invented by arabs to increase precision of measurments used to measure latitude columbus depended on compass own sense and astrolabe skills and equipment improved because of sagres all countries depended on seafaring in order for exploration sagres benefited all countries the motivation in late 1300 1400s was trade in the far east wanted the goods in china and india access to good and trade routes began in the crusades interest really perked in the explorations of marco polo son of italian merchant lot of money to be made marco polo 1299 1300 makes travels to far east demanded for the trade with the far east to be increased took land route but land barriers stood in way hard to overcome trade caravans subject to natural disasters and terrain whether going to asia or coming from asia danger of bandits stealing goods high trade by land route was difficult warlords who demanded payments across lands stumbling into a war if caravan made it to asia and back profit was enormous 10002000 began thinking of another way to asia for easier trade 1453 constantanople fell to the muslims once important city fell successful caravan route became even more rare portugal looked for another way portugal was the first to organize into nation state portugal had the leading technology was the first nation to take advantage of the new technology had the same motivation of the other european countries political stability and economic growth are a symbiotic system began thinking of a water route portugal begins to try to find a water route decides to follow the coast line of africa think they can get around the continent and sail to asia sailed along east africa opportunities for trade with africa slow progress along the south of africa around 1488 arrive at the cape of good hope first to get there was de gama by 1498 the first portugese trading ship arrives at the trading city of india and successfully returns diaz the first voyage returned 3000 profit thought to sail west to asia didnt know that there was an enormous land mass in between columbus didnt know of this land mass motivation to trade eurpeans wanted medicines silk precious stones pearls opals jade among nobility and wealthy perfumes bathing seen as unhealthy perfumes were highly valuable asia had spices that did not grow in europe spices did lot of things covered up taste of rotten meat enhance flavor of food keep food good longer II Portugal Leads A early exploration B voyages of de gama diaz III Columbus A background B voyage of dizcovery C myths was italian and started young had gone to portugal and sagres was among one of the europeans to believe could just sail west to get to asia idea is rejected he is too poor to pay for himself in 1492 spain agrees to sponser the voyage of columbus and all other countries follow to put some money officially sponsered by the king and queen 3 ships fully expecting the first land mass to be asia in october spots land and believes it to be asia after making land continues to look to find mainland he made 4 voyages to try to find the far east what he encountered was a land mass named the new world life was about to change for both sides of the atlantic the discover was not a one sided change any educated person seafarer knew the earth was not flat every person who sailed with colombus was experienced sailor with exception of two people Important words used in lecture not for short answer on exams sagres city in portugal in which seafaring school was est by prince henry to improve naval technology compass and astrolabe and exploration Important because age of exploration wouldn t have happened if it had not been est caravel lateen astrolabe latitude longitude marco polo cape of good hope The New World Early Spanish Exploration I Native Americans A migration theory B mayans theory that is most accepted to how the new world was populated and discovered migration theory and how the americas came to be populated during the last ice age 2000025000 bc temp land connection between asia and the americas people from the north east asia crossed over into the north americas land ridge called bering strait those who have crossed over some stayed others moved southward for search of game and warmer climates by 8000bc the decendants of the original migrants have made it to south america native americans were people who needed to search for food by 5000bc agricultural rev takes place begins in mesoamerica today central mexico has to do with the dev of sustainable agrigulture native americans dev maize corn maize is a sustainable crop planted and harvested within each year developed pumpkins chilis tomatoes and some beans these people developed surpluses of food so that they could survive bad weather and bad years of harvest this revolution allows tribes to dev semi permenant and permenant settlements also leads to populatoin explosion native people have a well rounded diet and consistent people who eat better are healthier live longer reproduce more results from agricultural revolution sparks population boost around 1000bc spreads north and south as the

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UT Arlington HIST 1311 - HIST_Day2

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