Chapter 1 notes Nature of Science Anton Van Leeuwenhoek 1677 founder of microscope father of microbiology we are always in a sunspot cycle Discovery Science verifiable observation and measurment Exaptation takes one role and take another role in a different context example feather thermo control and flight Hypothesis driven science to ask questions and seek explanations Hypothesis a tentative answer to a question an educated guess Scientific method 1 observation 2 question 3 hypothesis 4 prediction 5 test Control part of the experiment that doesn t change so other treatments can be compared to a standard and effects of the variable can be determined Variable an element in the experiment that is changed Any scientific hypothesis must be testable falsifiable open to negation through scientific inquiry Every assertion regarding the natural world is subject to challenge and revision It is the external world not internal conviction that defines how we interpret the world Scientific theory a synthesis of numerous observations and related hypothesis that have stood up to repeated testing and which explains a broad range of natural phenomena a model to explain reality A theory has explanative and predictive power The theory of evolution biology s unifying principle
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