UNC-Chapel Hill HIST 107 - Lecture 3 Monasticism and Saints

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HIST 107 Introduction to Medieval History Lecture 3 Saints Relics and Monasticism Main Questions 1 What changes in religious ideas and practices can de discerned in the late Roman world 2 What significance attaches to those changes Preliminary Remarks The two most fundamental features of the Roman adoption of Christianity see last lecture are 1 the emergence of monasticism and 2 the cult of the saints Both will be major elements of Christian culture in the Middle Ages Key Points A Monasticism Three key questions to address 1 What is a monk and what is a monastery 2 What was the appeal of monasticism 3 What particular significance attaches to the Rule of St Benedict 1 What is monk and what is a monastery Monk from Greek monos loner solitary origins in desert ascesis Model of St Antony d 356 and Life by Athanasius but not first monk Holy men as community figures as well as solitaries Monasteries develop from drawing power of celebrated hermits 2 initial stages i laura Greek for pathway loose assemblage ii more purpose built camps Greek koinos common whence cenobitical coenobium Key figure Pachomius d 346 foundation of Tabbenesis 2 What was the appeal of monasticism Traditions of ascesis in other religions and Roman philiosophy of Stoics Maybe some criticism of growth and dilution of Christianity Example of Gospels and models of martyrdom Fear of sin and contamination athletes of God as an elite 3 What particular significance attaches to the Rule of St Benedict Prior introduction of monasticism to western Europe Key figure St Martin of Tours d 397 1 Influence of Life of Martin by Sulpicius Severus Benedict of Nursia d c 540 obscure figure abbot of Montecassino popularized by Pope Gregory the Great 590 604 adapter of earlier Rules Basil Rule of the Master Key themes of the Rule of St Benedict The Rule is the law above the abbot Stability hostility to gyrovagi Obedience role of abbot as enlightened despot Military metaphors scola soldiers of Christ No private property Attention to careful probation Community an ideal in itself punishments isolate the individual Fullness of Opus Dei and no idleness B Cult of the Saints Two key questions to address 1 What is a saint 2 Why did pilgrimage grow as an expression of Christian ideals 1 What is a saint Definition as someone already in Heaven Martyrdoms provide the initial impetus category of confessor enables more saints cults to emerge What is a saint for Intermediary between humankind and stern distant God Retention of human traits facilitates saints approachability Relics as magnets of devotion possess virtus overcoming of Roman taboos about the dead 2 Why did pilgrimage grow as an expression of Christian ideals Pilgrimage never formal requirement of Christian devotion But huge growth in religious travel from 4th century Partly an adaptation of pre Christian travel habits But also specific Christian dimensions socially more inclusive Value of example of Constantinian rebuilding of Jerusalem associated tradition of St Helena and discovery of the True Cross Conclusion Monasticism and the cult of the sainst are among the biggest indicators of the huge cultural changes brought about by the Christianization of Rome 2 Proper Nouns and Technical Terms monos eremos koinos coenobium Athanasius Pachomius Tabennesis Martin of Tours Sulpicius Severus laura ascesis Benedict of Nursia Rule of the Master gyrovagi scola Opus Dei martyrs confessors virtus Lourdes Delphi Hadrian Aelia Capitolina Holy Sepulcher Golgotha Bordeaux Pilgrim St Simon Stylite Montecassino Egeria Key Images 1 Part of Madaba Map mosaic 6th century Jordan showing Constantine s basilica of the Holy Sepulcher in Jerusalem and the large compound around it 3 2 St Helena finding the True Cross in Jerusalem Italian manuscript ninth century 4

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UNC-Chapel Hill HIST 107 - Lecture 3 Monasticism and Saints

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