HIST 107 Introduction to Medieval History Lecture 2 What was the Roman Empire The Christianization of Rome Main Questions 1 What were the key features of the Roman Empire between c 300 and c 500 2 Why and how did Christianity become the dominant religion of the late Roman world Key Points A Main contours of Roman life in late antiquity Urban based civilization civilitas as an ideal Symbolic importance of Rome as a city Rome sustained artificially by the annona Shock of the Visigoths sack of Rome in 410 In practice power relocated to other centres nearer the frontiers Appeal of Romanitas to local elites in the provinces Supra regional connections and the hyper rich Government Roman Law Some lessons of the Theodosian Code Government Tax Response to third century crisis and the Sasanian threat War machine paid for by taxes Might as message of Trajan s Column and Arch of Constantine B Emergence of Christianity Approx 300 years before official Roman acceptance In interim periods of persecution 60s Nero 250s 303 11 Diocletian Mechanisms of growth of Christianity partly lost to us Christianity has to overcome cultural unfamiliarity Palestine least successful fit in the Romanization of east Jews a prominent but detached minority in Roman culture Geographical ambition of the new religion Other advantages not limited to Jews use of written texts law contacts C Biggest cultural challenge is polytheism of Roman pagan religion Polytheism evident at multiple social levels family city army state Christianity able to occupy same multi level spaces D Emperor Constantine I 306 37 has a key role Victory over Maxentius at Milvian Bridge 312 imputed to divine aid Edict of Milan 313 toleration of all religions but Christianity foremost Why does Constantine make this decision Great Persecution of Diocletian socially and politically divisive Unity the central goal of Constantine s policy personal choice Christianity already prominent in richer parts of the empire Christianity will enhance the status and prestige of the emperor Already emperors divine now instruments of divine will Language of Eusebius s History spread of labarum motif E But Christianity not an overnight success Non Christian religions legislated against from late 4th century Paganism survives in towns and countryside But domino effect favours conversions to Christianity Unequal competition paganus country dweller uncivilized 392 Theodosius I effectively bans all pagan observance Conclusions Roman culture is the framework from which medieval society emerges The Christianization of Rome the Romanization of Christianity Proper Nouns and Technical Terms civilitas annona Trier Constantinople Fishbourne Anicii Sasanian Persia Trajan s Column Mithras Arch of Constantine labarum Romanitas Key Images 1 Porta Nigra Trier fourth century 2 Arch of Constantine Rome 315 3 Head from giant statue of Constantine 4th century now fragmentary
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