ISU AECL 365 - Test Review

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9 24 SI A Ecl 365 Test Review 1 Name 4 characteristics of a chordate a Dorsal hollow nerve cord notochord pharyngeal slits muscular post anal tail 2 3 subphylums of chordata a Subphylum Urochordata Cephalochordata Craniata 3 What is Paedomorphosis a retention of larval characteristics into adulthood 4 Evolutionary features of vertebrates a Living internal skeleton b Tie between pharynx and respiration c Good nervous system d Paired limbs 5 Systematics and taxonomy a Systematics the scientific study of the kinds and diversity of organisms and discovering their evolutionary relationships i Describing naming and classifying organisms ii Includes several steps including classifying organisms providing names for organisms and groups of organisms and arranging them in some logical order b Taxonomy Providing names for the groups of organisms 6 Carolus Linnaeus provided the scientific world with a Systema naturae b Binomial nomenclature c hierarchical classification 7 What was Aristotelian essentialism and how does it relate to this course a It dominated before Darwin 1859 b Species were considered eternal immutable and discrete c A few convenient morphological characters essential traits were used to classify species e g animals with blood vs animals without blood d Observed variation among individuals treated as aberrations around a type idealized form for the species e 8 Published Evolution by Natural Selection a Charles Darwin 9 Components of natural selection a More individuals are born each generation than can survive reproduce b There is trait variation among individuals c At least some of this trait variation is heritable d Trait differences are tied to fitness i e some individuals have a better chance of surviving and reproducing due to their particular traits 10 Is natural selection random a No selection of most fit mutations b Mutations are random not selection 11 Difference between anology and homology a Related species should have similar characteristics b Based on homology similarities due to shared ancestry not analogy similarities not from shared ancestry convergent evolution 12 Allopatric speciation a Geographic separation 13 What is Vicariant speciation a Original population becomes separated e g river formation mountain rise glacial advance 14 What is founder effect a Few individuals move far out of normal range and found a new population rare event 15 Are founder representative of original population a Founders might not be representative of original population b Different conditions in each area and small size of new population favors divergent evolution c Often associated with colonizing islands 16 What is sympatric speciation a Speciation sometimes occurs without geographical isolation new species forms within the range of parent species 17 What are the two forms of sympatric speciation and how are they different a Ecological segregation i Species live in the same area but segregate relative to specific habitat types b Genetic e g chromosome changes i Involves polyploidy offspring getting one or more extra full sets of chromosomes by mistake in meiosis ii Most offspring die some live allowing the instantaneous formation of a new species iii Very common in plants and insects iv Rare among vertebrates seen in a few fish amphibians and reptiles 18 Earliest group of fish jawless no paired fins no vertebral column this superclass is not a true taxonomic group a Agnatha 19 What are the two extant classes of jawless fish a Myxini and Cephalaspidomorphi 20 This fish is eel like jawless has slime glands has no stomach is a decomposer and deep marine species a Hagfish or Myxini b Follow up question Are these true vertebrates NO 21 This fish is jawless scaleless has no paired fins and filter feed as larvae adults either do not feed or feed via parasitic rasping into fish a Cephalaspidomorphi or lampreys 22 There are many forms of this jawless fish which are now extinct but they are grouped under one name They have a covering of dermal bone forming armored carapace sometimes with smaller plates or scales What is the group name a Ostracoderms 23 This superclass evolved a hinged jaw and paired limbs a Gnathostomata 24 This adds stability during locomotion and is the source of tetrapod limbs a Paired Fins 25 This class includes animals with cartilaginous skeleton heterocercal tail no swim bladder and sharks skates and rays a Chrondrichthyes cartilaginous fish 26 This class lived during the second half of the Paleozoic and includes characteristics such as toothed jaws heterocercal tails a vertebral column and multiple sets of paired fins a Acanthodia 27 Half of the living vertebrates belong to this class a Osteichthyes 28 This is a pouch from the esophagus with air volume regulated for buoyancy It does not appear until Class Osteichthyes a Swim bladder 29 This subclass includes ray finned fishes and the infraclasses Chondrostei and Neopterygii a Actinopterygii 30 This class is the oldest group of osteichthyes are lobe finned and a precursor to tetrapods a Sarcopterygii 31 This order of Sarcopterygii were common during the Devonian and are termed a living fossil a Coelocanthiformes 32 Fish in this order are the closest living relatives of tetrapods and fall under the class Sarcopterygii a Ceratodontomorpha 33 Ceratodontomorpha lung fish form a cocoon during dry periods and do this in mud a Aestivate 34 List and describe the 3 types of fish scales Placoid from mesoderm composed dentine ganoid composed of bone Cycloid ctenoid outer layer of bone thin layer connective tissue 35 What caused the predatory lifestyle to begin Hinged jaws wider prey types 36 When was the age of the fishes a Devonian 37 What are the three extant orders of Amphibians Gymnophiona caecilians caudate salamanders anura frogs and toads 38 What does amphibian mean 2 lives 39 What is a double breather a had both gills and open air passageways external nares b Internal nares choanae opening at back of nose connecting nasal passage to throat and lungs c Osteolopiforms Transitional Fish 40 What are the 3 theories about why fish moved to land Predation hypothesis Food hypothesis competitive avoidance 41 What does Lissamphibia mean Modern ampibians 42 What is the Age of Amphibians carboniferous 43 Name the characteristics of amphibians Terrestrial aquatic or both Legless or gilled larval stage Smooth permeable skin Oviparous Egg w o shell 44 What order of amphibians do not metamorphasize Caudata salamanders Urodela 45

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