HIST 107 Introduction to Medieval History Lecture 13 The Expansion of Crusading Main Question How do crusade ideas adapt and expand after the First Crusade Preliminary Remarks Recall from previous lectures the First Crusade organized by Pope Urban II as a collective act of penance and a pilgrimage to liberate Jerualem succeeds in its misson in July 1099 Some of the crusaders remain in the East and this is the beginnings of what modern historians label the Latin East or Frankish East Meanwhile in Spain there are early indications of the ability of crusade ideas and practices to be transposed into other arenas This is especially evident in the enthusiasm for crusading shown by King Alfonso I of Aragon Navarre 1104 34 The Spanish dimension shows that the First Crusade is not going to be remembered as an extraordinary one off there is potential for it to grow into something more long term a crusade movement Key Points Three main questions to address A What happens in the Latin East after the First Crusade B Where else do crusade ideas and institutions develop C What were the Military Orders and how did they emerge from crusading A What happens in the Latin East after the First Crusade In the first decade after 1099 four states emerge Edessa Antioch Tripoli Jerusalem Jerusalem the most politically important Some initial uncertainty over the status of the new conquest but from 1100 Jerusalem a kingdom of the western type Western Europeans always in the minority most surviving crusaders go home in 1099 1100 expected levels of migration and settlement do not materialize from c 1110 switch of emphasis to accommodations with locals Populations mixed Muslims eastern Christians some Jews Latins mostly live in cities Jerusalem politically important because the focus of what the Latin East is for huge increase in pilgrim traffic from western Europe 1 Latin East perceived as the guardian of the Holy Places on behalf of Christendom as a whole But a mixed blessing failure on the Latins part severe criticism danger of being perceived as unequal to the task because of sins Main indication of the emphasis of the Latin East building of new church of the Holy Sepulchre combines Sepulchre itself with Golgotha and where Helena found the True Cross Hugely ambitious project 50 years to complete still one of most impressive architectural achievements of period However Latin East viable only as long as the disunity in the Muslim world that had made the First Crusade s success possible persists This disunity begins to be addressed around 1140s under warlord Nur ad Din then taken further by successor Salah ad din aka Saladin See extract from biography of Saladin by Baha ad Din Ibn Shaddad in Rosenwein Reading pp 334 8 Saladin s success 1 unite Egypt and Syria two main areas next to Latin East 2 mobilize ideas of holy war jihad Culmination destruction of Latin forces at Hattin 1187 Jerusalem recaptured Hattin a huge blow to Latin morale not least loss of relic of True Cross which was the centrepiece of Latin East s ideology Numerous attempts to recapture Jerusalem thereafter but except for a partial success in 1229 44 these are failures However the relative failures of crusades to the East after the First Crusade do not kill off interest in crusading One reason is its spread to other theatres So the next questions must be B Where else do crusade ideas and institutions develop We have already seen Spanish receptivity to crusade ideas in a sense Spain is easy similar Christian Muslim confrontation similar Mediterranean terrain But crusading expands into less immediately analogous situations two key factors 1 crusade is the instrument of the papacy not immediately obvious monopoly 2 can bishops launch crusades emperors but rivals eased out in early decades of 12th century 2 the Church is a unity see earlier lecture e g comprises people places buildings ideas rites a threat to one aspect is a threat to the entirety this helps to explain extension of crusading to fight heretics main theatre southern France in first third of 13th century Cathar or Albigensian heretics not a military threat but the perception is their doctrines threaten the unity of the Church therefore crusade privileges extended to those willing to fight them Likewise 13th and 14th centuries crusade extended to wars v papacy s political opponents in Italy itself this has tended to attract most criticism as a diversion of crusading but criticism is misplaced the logic of threat was present in Italy the crusade was the papacy s instrument to use especially now that it no longer relies on emperors In some ways the most unusual and interesting extension of crusading to wars against pagans on Latin Europe s north eastern borders roughly modern eastern Germany Poland Baltic states As early as 1107 8 locals want the crusade expanded to their theatre Papacy sanctions this in 1140s when world war of Second Crusade Helmold of Bosau see Rosenwein Reading pp 342 4 writing 1160s Second Crusade was a war on three fronts East Spain Baltic actual threat posed by pagan Slavs and Balts modest but they could be spun as harmful In the long run much of the effort on the Baltic crusades devolved not onto periodic crusades but the permanent presence in the region provided by a Military Order the Teutonic Knights So next question is C What were the Military Orders and how did they emerge from crusading Key factors 1 chronic shortage of manpower in the Latin East 2 crusading is a temporary vocation based on pilgrimage 3 crusades tend to react to disasters in the East not anticipate them therefore more stable and permanent force required to protect the Latin East 3 first Military Order Templars emerge as voluntary militia to protect pilgrims sanctioned by Church 1120s influential support of Bernard of Clairvaux become more monastic members take quasi monastic vows poverty chastity obedience live in communal settings might seem anomalous that monasticism combined with violence but little criticism at the time in fact the model is copied by second order Hospitallers Military Orders develop in Spain e g Order of Santiago German Holy Land order the Teutonic Knights move operations to Baltic Military Orders attract benefactions in West become very rich part of income moved to Latin East funds huge castle building e g Krak des Chevaliers and in Baltic Marienburg Malbork wealth eventually becomes a source of criticism but necessary for their success Conclusions The Military
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