WFSC 403 6th Edition Lecture 24 Outline of Last Lecture I Synthesis of Population Regulation a Equilibrium b Spatial scale II Allee effect and compensation III Source and sink populations IV Evolutionary implications of population regulation a Behavior b Stress c Genetic d Dispersal Outline of Current Lecture I Evolutionary implications of population regulation statement page 273 a Behavior b Stress c Genetics d Dispersal II Chapter 15 basic concepts a First bullet point page 277 decreased natality b stock page 278 ho stable part III Logistic models Current Lecture Individual live die reproduce don t whether they are successful or not Selection occurs at the level of the individual evolution does not These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute 5 Figure 14 3 POPULATION REGULATION Intraspecific Interspecific Density Independent Density Dependent Predation Competition 1 Weather 2 Pollution 1 Behavior Other Negative 2 Stress Interactions 3 Genetic Parasitism Allelopathy 4 Dispersal 6 Behavior Dispersal all four of these affect the organisms birth and death rates Behavior simply stated population with social structure not exclusive to socially structured populations o Example regulation population by social structure Wolves alpha male breeds with alpha female Only one litter If for example not all of the roles in the pack are filled then there will be more breeding to up the population Stress is physiological stress that inhibits population o When lab animals are held at high density they die because of stress shock disease this happened in lab o Voles in the wild stress due to crowding lead to inhibition of reproduction and crash in population o Aggressive encounters lead to inhibition as well o Population go up encounter go up aggressive counters go up stress goes up Genetic o Sometimes r selected sometimes k selected Relative o Shifting genotypic frequencies shifting based on r and k o R selected are pumping out all the babies o As population goes up it helps to be a better competitor and k is better suited for it K will have fewer babies but their babies will all survive whereas r will have tons of babies but they won t all live Successful offspring of r selected will go down Dispersal Chapter 15 harvesting Maximum sustainable yield should be k 2 o The maximum number of individuals you can take from a population without it crashing o Don t want to over harvest Excluded from harvest have a refuge from natural predators Match miss matched hypothesis o Matching of availability of resources if overlap the population survives if doesn t than they will die Tragedy of something o Exploitation of whatever is being harvested on unlimited resources Open access resources fisheries o Tragedy is of common Common resources common pasture tragedy is over exploitation
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