UCLA PSYCH 110 - syllabus

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Psych 110 Summer 2006 Godsil PSYCH 110 FUNDEMENTALS OF LEARNING MWF 8 30am 9 50am PAB Room 1434A Instructor Bill Godsil Ph D Office Franz Hall 2549 Office Hours W 11 00am12 30pm and by appointment Email bgodsil ucla edu Course Teaching Assistant Dana Gant Office 1243D Office Hours M W 2 30pm3 30pm F by appointment Email danajoygant ucla edu Discussion Teaching Assistant Valerie Carr Office Franz Hall 7461E Office Hour W 1 00pm2 00pm Email valeriec ucla edu In this course we will approach learning from the behaviorist perspective and explore the mechanisms by which organisms change their behavior in response to environmental challenges Our goal is to cultivate a precise understanding of the basic principles of learning phenomena We will accomplish this goal by surveying numerous experimental studies that have characterized learning phenomena and by considering both historical and contemporary theories of learning Date M 6 26 W 6 28 F 6 30 M 7 3 W 7 5 F 7 7 M 7 10 W 7 12 F 7 14 M 7 17 W 7 19 F 7 21 M 7 24 W 7 26 F 7 28 M 7 31 W 8 2 F 8 4 Reading 1 16 17 35 35 58 59 67 70 74 74 79 79 90 91 96 96 100 100 109 109 116 117 123 124 137 137 151 162 172 251 266 68 70 285 287 Tentative Course Outline Lecture Topic Syllabus Course Introduction Elicited Behavior Habituation Sensitization Pavlovian Conditioning Excitatory Conditioning Inhibitory Conditioning Pavlovian Phenomena 1 Pavlovian Phenomena 2 Midterm bring a Scantron 882 E pencil and your student ID What is learned Contiguity Contingency Instrumental Conditioning 1 Instrumental Conditioning 2 Schedules of Reinforcement Extinction Learning Neural Systems of Learning Final Exam bring a Scantron 882 E pencil and your student ID Textbook The Principles of Learning and Behavior 5th Ed by Domjan Exams Each exam will consist of 60 multiple choice questions The exams will include material from the lectures 66 readings 25 and discussion sections 8 Please bring a Scantron Form 882 E a 2 pencil and your student ID to each exam The exams must be taken on the assigned dates A missed exam will be scored as a failure I DO NOT OFFER MAKE UP EXAMS If you have a DOCUMENTED and SERIOUS medical or legal EMERGENCY I might offer an alternate essay format exam Readings The readings are listed in the course outline I recommend that you read and take notes on the reading assignments Material from the readings not covered in lecture will be included on the exams 1 Psych 110 Summer 2006 Godsil Discussion Sections Hourly discussion sections will be conducted by Valerie Carr Attendance is mandatory and 10 of your course grade will be based on activities conducted in these sessions Blackboard I will offer PDF version of the lectures and course documents on the Blackboard website These learning aids should facilitate your success Also your current grades will be listed in the gradebook Note the lecture notes are useful but they are not a practical substitute for attending lecture URL http www lsic ucla edu classes psych current 061 110 061 htm Grading Final grades are based on the two exams and a section grade Each exam constitutes 45 of the final grade The section grade will constitute the remaining 10 Final grades will be assigned based on UCLA s recommended undergraduate grade distribution A or A grades correspond to the top 15 25 of the grade distribution B B or B grades correspond to the next 25 35 of the grade distribution C C or C grades correspond to the next 35 40 of the grade distribution D D D grades correspond to the next 5 10 of the grade distribution F grades correspond to the bottom 3 5 of the grade distribution Possible Curriculum Change The details and content of this course are subject to change with notice Enrollment Issues Psych 110 is an Impacted Course which may not be dropped after the second week of a term for other than exceptionally extenuating circumstances Exceptionally extenuating circumstances do not include circumstances of short duration where other alternatives exist including but not limited to a late drop of other nonimpacted courses or taking an Incomplete in the impacted course Requests to drop an impacted course are referred to a subcommittee of the College of Letters and Science Faculty Executive Committee by College counseling units If the request is approved the dropped course appears on the transcript with a notation indicating the date and week of the term in which the drop was filed with the College Cheating Plagiarism and Academic Dishonesty I have a zero tolerance policy regarding cheating plagiarism and other acts of academic dishonesty Any act of academic dishonesty will result in an F course grade Academic dishonesty refers to the act of or assistance of deceiving including fraud or deception in any academic exercise This includes but not limited to the following actions Copying or allowing another student to copy from one s paper or answer sheet during an exam Talking giving and or receiving information during an exam by any means including sign language hand signals secret codes or telepathy Representing the works or ideas of another as one s own in any academic exercise plagiarism Changing answers of a previously scored test or assignment with the intent to defraud Using cheat sheets notes books cell phones palm pilots spy satellites crystal balls or other unauthorized items during an exam My cat Bella detests cheating and as you can see is quite ferocious Please do not compromise your academic integrity 2

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UCLA PSYCH 110 - syllabus

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