Exam 1 Study Guide Political Science Gonzales v Oregon Death with Dignity 15 day waiting period Die by lethal injection Fletcher v Peck Brings judicial review to the State Level U S v Texas 1966 Poll taxes are eliminated 1869 Constitution Wrote after the Civil war Centralized state government power Annual Legislative Sessions Serve 4 year terms Judicial appt not elections General Revenue Sharing Money from congress to the states that could be spent however the states wanted Grant in Aid Fed gibes states money for wale fare programs ect There is a formula to generate the amount given to each state Voter ID Laws Democrats Against Republicans For Federal Mandate A requirement the federal government imposes as a condition for receiving federal funds Size of Texas economy by gross state product Ranked 3rd in the U S Closed Primaries Register as a party member can only vote in your parties primary Plan Parenthood v Casey Made adjustments to the abortion laws Undo Burden Case Says that you must wait 24 hours and have parental consent Must have a sonogram and must hear the heart beat Procedures are only allowed in Surgical facilities Gay Rights Democrats For Republicans Against Individualistic Focus on what is good for business Pro business laws lower business taxes right to work Politicians looking for advancements How to solve budget shortfall raise tax rate to increase revenue or cut spending by offering lower benefits to citizens like older retirement age or reduce spending on national defense Concurrent Power Powers shared by the gov t and the state E J Davis Texas republican but fought for the union Many Texans disliked him and he did not last long Texas when into debt cause public spending increase and property tax decrease during his term Texas Grange Really influential Texas judges Effects of holding simultaneous state and national elections Candidates will ride the Coat tails similar unknown candidates go off bigger more known ones How to predict the outcome of an election Party ID Look what the house district is make up of Incumbency High rates of success candidates that have already proven themselves Bilingual Educaition Democrats For Republicans Against Gitlow v New York Brings Bill of Rights to the State level and uses the 14th amendment Block Grants Fed gives state a block of money and designates it to a certain area then states decide where to use the money What impacts state government Culture Economy Geography People 33 The percent of Texas budget funded by the federal government Traditionalistic Elite class citizens don t matter want to maintain the status quo Law to promote traditional religious values Entitlement Programs Provide service by citizens If you meet standards you cannot be denied Incumbent When a candidate has a lot of success and has already proven themselves Party Column Ballot You can vote by party For example all the democrats in one column all the republicans in one etc What kind of people are more likely to vote Those who have a higher income and high education Older people Privileges and Immunities Citizen visitors from other states have to be given the same rights and protection as that states citizens Gun Laws Democrats Against Republicans For Religion in Schools Democrats Against Republicans For Party History Texas began with democrats The democrats be came conservative democrats They were not liberal at all The democrats in Texas are less liberal then most Reserved Power State government 10th amendment Office Block Ballot Each position is listed and the democrat and republican nominee are listed under it There is a place at the top where you can vote by party Motor Voter Laws Started in 93 When you get license you re offered to register to vote Defense of Marriage Act States not required to recognize same sex marriages from other states The law was passed by Clinton Moralistic Politicians serve their community as a civil duty Not in politics for the drama Usually tend to be more lenient on registration laws Eminent Domain Democrats For Republicans For Because of Texas geography what are 3 industries that have flourished Oil Livestock Cotton Abortion Laws Democrats For Republicans Against Sanctuary Cities Democrats For Republicans against Capital Punishment Democrats Against Republicans For Opened primaries Do not have to register as a Republican or Democrat But can t vote in other parties run off 1876 Texas Constitution 2 year government terms Texas grange really influential elected judges plural exec Bi annual sessions Private School Vouchers Democrats Against Republicans For Amending the Constitution Law makers introduce constitution to the State House The legislature votes on it 2 3 majority vote in order to be ratified Only need a simple majority from voters Rules for winning party primary elections You must have 5 of the votes If not you can petition but you have to have enough signatures to equal 1 of the initial votes Radical Republicans in Washington after Civil War Their most important measures were contained in the Reconstruction Acts which placed the Southern states under military government and required universal manhood suffrage Elections in a 1 party state One party controls the whole election process Sam Houston s position on secession Argued against secession Thought that if Texas did separate from the Union It would fare better as an independent republic than as a member of the Confederacy
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