TAMU COMM 335 - levels of competence
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COMM 335 1st Edition Lecture 27 Outline of Last Lecture I Social Science the components of competence II Motivation III Knowledge IV Attitudes V D I E Exercise VI Behaviors and Skills Outline of Current Lecture I Four levels of intercultural communication competence II Interpretive perspective competence in contexts III Critical perspective competence for whom Current Lecture I II Four levels of intercultural communication competence a Unconscious Incompetence The be yourself level where there is no consciousness of differences or need to act in any particular way b Conscious Incompetence We may realize that we are not having success but not be able to figure out why c Conscious Competence This is the level that intercultural communication courses try to motivate students to reach by focusing on analytic thinking and learning d Unconscious Competence Communication at this level is successful but not conscious and occurs when the analytic and holistic parts are functioning together Interpretive perspective competence in contexts a Cultures may find differences in appropriate behaviors between task contexts and social contexts These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute III b Mediate contexts lack nonverbal cues and may require different skills involving language and identity expression c Mediated contexts can also use language to help people who do not share a language to communicate d An interpretive perspective reminds us that a good communicator is sensitive to the many contexts in which intercultural communication occurs e It is important to recognize the social position from which one is communicating Critical perspective competence for whom a Individuals competence may be constrained by political economic and historical contexts b Why do we may wish to be competent in intercultural communication c The critical perspective help us determining our goals in engaging in intercultural interactions d Issues of power and inequality are central

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TAMU COMM 335 - levels of competence

Type: Lecture Note
Pages: 2
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