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CSE 280B Final exam June 8 2006 Notes You must choose to answer one of the following questions Your answer must be around 5 typewritten pages with additional material in appendices if needed The questions are difficult and vary in skills required ranging from algorithms to biology so please leave some time to answer them Let me know if you cannot find references Questions 1 Describe an efficient algorithm for computing the sensitivity of a gapped seed for database search This problem needs algorithmic skills You might want to read the discussion in lecture 7 and the comments on the final slide Relevant papers are the reading for L7 2 Define a d l m repeat as a sequence of length l d that occurs m times in the genome of length n with each pair of sequences being d edit distance apart To detect repeats without a pre defined library of repeats we often need to do genome to genome comparisons in O n2 time For a large genome this is computationally expensive Describe an efficient o n2 algorithm for detecting if a given subsequence in a genome is repetitive This problem requires some theoretical ideas The goal is to compute a hash function for hashing every length l string so that strings which are close in edit distance get hashed to the same location A relevant starting point might be the following paper Approximating edit distance efficiently Ziv Bar Yossef T S Jayram Robert Krauthgamer and Ravi Kumar FOCS 2004 3 Summarize the arguments in the following 4 papers the first should describe known mitochondrial phylogenies and the next two address whether mtDNA could have been paternally inherited Redo the phylogenetic scenarios the first 2 papers using perfect phylogeny You should be able to do it by hand Skills needed some knowledge of biology genetics Knight A 2003 The phylogenetic relationship of Neandertal and modern human mitochondrial DNAs based on informative nucleotide sites Journal of Human Evolution 44 627 32 Awadalla P Eyre Walker A and Smith J M 1999 Linkage disequilibrium and recombination in hominid mitochondrial DNA Science 286 2524 5 Elson J L Andrews R M Chinnery P F Lightowlers R N Turnbull D M and Howell N 2001 Analysis of European mtDNAs for recombination American Journal of Human Genetics 68 145 53 Am J Hum Genet 73 247 pp 260 2003 Nuclear and Mitochondrial DNA Analysis of a 2 000 Year Old Necropolis in the Egyin Gol Valley of Mongolia Christine Keyser Tracqui Eric Crubezy and Bertrand Ludes 4 A structural polymorphism is a large scale genetic event insertion deletion or inversion that is polymorphic in a population Review the following papers on structural polymorphisms Your review must summarize computational techniques used to detect such polymorphisms Review additional literature and or do some computational tests to answer the following Is there a genomic signal low copy repeats motifs that can cause such polymorphisms to occur Nature Genetics 38 86 92 2006 Common deletion polymorphisms in the human genome Steven A McCarroll1 2 3 Tracy N Hadnott1 George H Perry4 Pardis C Sabeti3 Michael C Zody3 Jeffrey C Barrett3 Stephanie Dallaire4 Stacey B Gabriel3 Charles Lee4 5 Mark J Daly2 3 5 6 David M Altshuler A high resolution survey of deletion polymorphism in the human genome Nature Genetics 38 pp75 81 2006 Donald F Conrad T Daniel Andrews Nigel P Carter Matthew E Hurles and Jonathan K Pritchard Fine scale structural variation of the human genome E Tuzun AJ Sharp JA Bailey R Kaul VA Morrison Nature Genetics 37 727 732 2005

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