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Math 0120 BUSINESS CALCULUS 4 credits Spring Term 2007 2074 Instructor Teaching Assist Office Office Hours Office Office Hours Telephone e mail Telephone e mail Math Department 301 Thackeray Hall Telephone 412 624 8375 Fax 412 624 8397 Math Assistance Center MAC Third Floor Thackeray Hall M H 9 00 a m 7 00 p m F 9 00 a m 3 00 p m Textbook Brief Applied Calculus Fourth Edition by Geoffrey C Berresford and Andrew M Rockett Houghton Mifflin Company 2007 Course Description This course introduces the basic concepts of limits continuity differentiation integration maximization and minimization Applications to the social sciences especially business and economics are stressed Course Prerequisite A sufficient grade in Math 0031 or Math 0100 or placement by examination is prequisite to taking this course Course Organization The course consists of lecture and recitation components Each student must register for a recitation that is associated with the lecture that he or she is attending A quiz will be given in recitation almost every week of the term The instructor will assign homework problems one week before they are due The student should read each section before the lecture on that section Math 0120 Policies Calculator Policy A graphing calculator such as a TI 83 or above will be useful in doing many of the practice problems The student should check with the instructor for the policy regarding the use of calculators on the 50 minute examinations Calculators will not be permitted on the departmental final examination Grading Policy Homework Assignments Quizzes Exam 1 Exam 2 Exam 3 Departmental Final Exam 10 15 15 15 15 30 Homework and quiz grades will be based on the best 10 scores Make up Policy There will be no make up for exams homework assignments or quizzes Final Examination Policy The one letter grade rule applies in sections taking a common final examination A s t ude nt sc our s eg r a dei nMa t h0120s houl dnotnor ma l l yexceed his her grade on the Math 0120 Departmental Final Examination by more than one letter grade University Policies Academic Integrity Cheating plagiarism will not be tolerated Students suspected of violating the University of Pittsburgh Policy on Academic Integrity will incur a minimum sanction of a zero score for the quiz exam or paper in question Additional sanctions may be imposed depending on the severity of the infraction Students may work together or use library resources to do homework but each student must write his or her own solutions independently Copying solutions from other students will be considered cheating and handled accordingly Disability Resource Services A student with a disability for which he or she is requesting an accommodation is encouraged to contact both the instructor and the Office of Disability Resources and Services 216 William Pitt Union 412 648 7890 as early in the term as possible MATH 0120 Business Calculus Class Schedule Spring Term 2007 2074 Monday Lecture Jan 8 Sec 1 3 Jan 15 Holiday Jan 22 Sec 2 4 Jan 29 Sec 2 7 Feb 5 Sec 3 1 Feb 12 Sec 3 4 Feb 19 Sec 4 1 Feb 26 Sec 4 4 Mar 5 Spring Break Mar 12 Sec 5 1 Mar 19 Sec 5 4 Mar 26 Sec 6 1 Apr 2 EXAM 3 Apr 9 Sec 7 3 Apr 16 Review Tuesday Recitation Jan 9 Homework 1 Jan 16 Homework 2 Jan 23 Homework 3 Jan 30 Homework 4 Feb 6 Homework 5 Feb 13 Homework 6 Feb 20 Homework 7 Feb 27 Homework 8 Mar 6 Spring Break Mar 13 Mar 20 Homework 9 Mar 27 Homework 10 Apr 3 Homework 11 Apr 10 Homework 12 Apr 17 Wednesday Lecture Jan 3 Sec 1 1 Jan 10 Sec 1 4 Jan 17 Sec 2 2 Jan 24 Sec 2 5 Jan 31 Review Feb 7 Sec 3 2 Feb 14 Sec 3 5 Feb 21 Sec 4 2 Feb 28 Review Mar 7 Spring Break Mar 14 Sec 5 2 Mar 21 Sec 5 5 Mar 28 Sec 6 2 Apr 4 Sec 7 1 Apr 11 7 3 Apr 18 Review Thursday Recitation Jan 4 Jan 11 Quiz 1 Jan 18 Quiz 2 Jan 25 Quiz 3 Feb 1 Quiz 4 Feb 8 Quiz 5 Feb 15 Quiz 6 Feb 22 Quiz 7 Mar 1 Quiz 8 Mar 8 Spring Break Mar 15 Mar 22 Quiz 9 Mar 29 Quiz 10 Apr 5 Quiz 11 Apr 12 Quiz 12 Apr 19 Review Friday Lecture Jan 5 Sec 1 2 Jan 12 Sec 2 1 Jan 19 Sec 2 3 Jan 26 Sec 2 6 Feb 2 EXAM 1 Feb 9 Sec 3 3 Feb 16 Sec 3 6 Feb 23 Sec 4 3 Mar 2 EXAM 2 Mar 9 Spring Break Mar 16 Sec 5 3 Mar 23 Sec 5 6 Mar 30 Review Apr 6 Sec 7 2 Apr 13 Sec 7 5 Apr 20 Review Note The schedule and procedures in this course are subject to changes by the instructor Such changes will be announced in class Important Dates Add drop period ends Tuesday January 16 Monitored withdrawal ends Wednesday March 14 Departmental Final Examination Tuesday April 24 10 00 11 50 a m Your instructor will announce the location of your examination Evening classes will continue to meet during the Final Examination Period Final examinations are normally held during the last scheduled class meeting for evening classes Math 0120 Homework Practice Problems 1 1 PAGE 15 7 10 14 17 23 24 28 32 40 42 46 48 63 69 1 2 PAGE 28 5 16 25 28 34 38 54 66 73 74 85 91 1 3 PAGE 43 1 7 10 16 21 25 30 34 38 45 51 58 65 68 72 77 1 4 PAGE 60 1 4 8 14 20 26 32 36 45 50 57 61 68 77 80 89 94 2 1 PAGE 83 2 14 17 23 26 32 35 40 43 47 50 55 57 67 71 2 2 PAGE 98 1 7 10 20 22 28 30 42 44 55 58 2 3 PAGE 113 6 12 16 20 24 26 30 32 35 38 46 51 55 61 2 4 PAGE 127 1 9 12 21 25 28 33 34 40 47 50 53 56 62 2 5 PAGE 141 2 5 8 10 14 20 24 34 39 47 56 58 2 6 PAGE 152 1 7 11 16 19 24 30 34 36 42 47 52 53 58 62 78 2 7 PAGE 160 1 2 3 4 6 11 3 1 PAGE 178 1 4 10 12 15 20 24 29 35 43 48 54 60 65 66 3 2 PAGE 192 3 8 10 15 18 20 22 26 29 42 51 52 54 3 3 PAGE 205 1 4 6 12 18 23 27 36 38 39 45 51 3 4 PAGE 216 2 5 6 8 10 12 16 18 21 3 5 PAGE 225 2 3 4 6 7 8 10 15 3 6 PAGE 235 4 8 10 12 16 18 20 22 …

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