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BIO 201 Chapter 1 Study Guide Dr Covi fall 2013 An introduction to biology Purpose This chapter serves as a general introduction to biological systems Major concepts from this chapter are more important than specific details For example you do not need to memorize the details of cystic fibrosis example but you do need to know that a discovery based scientific approach allowed researcher to identify a single transporter that they could then study with hypothesis driven research In later chapters you will be required to remember both specific details like what a chloride transporter is and the major concepts Terms to know Atoms Molecules Macromolecules Cells Tissues Organs Organisms Populations Communities Ecosystems Eukarya Science Inquiry Discovery based science Hypothesis driven science Hypothesis Falsifiable Experiment Control group Experimental group Theory Vertical Descent Horizontal Gene Transfer Important Reading Brooker s Biology 3rd ed Chapter 1 Learning goals At the conclusion of this unit you should be able to List the characteristics common to all living things Critically evaluate lists like the one for characteristics common to all living things Remember Artemia franciscana example from lecture Order the organizational units of life from smallest to largest Define science Explain how inquiry is essential to science Distinguish discovery based science from hypothesis driven science Distinguish hypotheses from theories Evaluate the potential implications of science to society and vice versa Explain two major limitations of science Name the two taxonomic grouping used in binomial nomenclature scientific name Compare and contrast prokaryotes and eukaryotes List the three domains of life Compare and contrast similarities and differences among the three domains and the four eukaryotic groupings Eukaryotic Kingdoms Explain how the theory of evolution unifies all life on earth

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