U of I CS 511 - Assignment - Advanced Database Management Systems

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CS511 Advanced Database Management Systems Fall 2006 Assignment 2 Due 2 00pm CST on September 20 2006 Out September 8 2006 NOTE Please submit a hard copy of your homework Bring it to the lecture table at the beginning of the lecture on 20th September 2006 The hard copy should be as clearly readable as possible You may be subtracted points for unreadability and ugly presentation I2CS Students You should email your solutions to the TA ylee11 uiuc edu in the pdf or the word format Please send the file as attachment with your email by 2PM UIUC time CST I2CS students in other time zones should note that the deadline is according to CST Problem 1 20 pts Suppose that you want to index fixed length records each 256 bytes long The key of each record is 4 bytes long Records are stored on disk so that they do not cross page boundaries If you use a three level B tree to index this file with the records themselves occupying the third level of the tree then what is the maximum number of records that you can index if the B tree pointers are 4 bytes long and the B tree nodes are 4096 bytes long Problem 2 30 pts In the development of access methods for tree based indexing techniques we have seen Btree R tree and then GiST among others This series of trees represents a sequence of generalization Describe what generalizations exist in this series of trees That is how does R tree generalize B tree How does GiST generalize R tree Problem 3 50 pts This problem asks you to build a GiST search tree for the TIME data type Each TIME object can be either an exact moment or a period For simplicity we assume each time is in military format The following are some example TIME objects 1 t1 t2 t3 t4 1145 1130 1300 0400 0530 1400 1330 an exact moment example a period example 2 We want to use GiST to build a search tree for supporting the following query predicates in which x and y are two TIME objects That is given a predicate below we want to search the index tree for some given y to find all the x that satisfy the predicate Overlap x y T rue if x and y overlap and F alse otherwise e g Overlap t1 t2 T rue Overlap t1 t3 F alse Bef ore x y T rue if x ends before y starts and F alse otherwise e g Bef ore t3 t2 T rue Bef ore t1 t2 F alse Describe how Consistent can be implemented for each of the above query predicates

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U of I CS 511 - Assignment - Advanced Database Management Systems

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