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EC 201L Principles of Microeconomics Section 201 206 207 Fall 2010 Xuan Chi Sherry Office Location Nelson 4314 Office Hours Thursday 10 00 11 00AM Email xchi ncsu edu Course Website http www4 ncsu edu xchi Course Description This lab is the companion to Dr Lee Craig s EC 201 class We will discuss economics topics that are consistent with the materials introduced during Dr Craig s lectures End of chapter problems in your EC201 syllabus and some questions from MyEconLab will be the main resources we use for the review of materials covered by Dr Craig This class is the time to solve any of your questions from the material covered by Dr Craig Grading Policy Your final lab grade counts as 25 of your EC 201 grade This lab grade will consist of quiz and problem set scores There are in total 25 points as follows Problem Sets 3 times Quizzes 3 times Attendance each class 4 points each 4 points each 5points 1 3 point off for each absence There will be 3 problem sets Each is 4 points There will be 3 quizzes given during lab and each will be worth 4 points There will be no make up quizzes If you miss a quiz because of an unexpected emergency you must provide approved written documentation The lowest score of 3 problem sets and 3 quizzes will be dropped Therefore problem sets and quizzes will account for 4 5 20 points in total Attendance and Participation In order to fully understand and comprehend the material attendance and participation in class discussions is required The topics we cover in class will show up on problem sets quizzes and exams Roll will be taken at every meeting and 1 3 point for each missed lab will be deducted from your total lab grade Problem Sets 1 Problem sets are one of the best ways to study for in class quizzes and exams These problems may be more challenging than quiz questions but they are an excellent way to further your understanding of course content I will be more than happy to help you get started and answer any questions you may have No late problem sets will be accepted Schedule Tentative Date Week1 Lab Lab 1 Week2 Lab 2 Week3 Week4 Lab 3 Lab 4 Week5 Lab 5 Week6 Week7 Lab 6 Lab 7 Week8 Week9 No Lab Fall Break Lab 8 Week10 Lab 9 Week11 Lab 10 Week12 Lab 11 Week13 Lab 12 Week14 Lab 13 Week15 No Lab Thanksgiving Lab 14 Week16 Topic Introduction to Economics Chp1 Production Possibilities Frontier Chp2 Applications of Demand Applications of Supply Demand Chp3 Applications of Supply Demand Chp3 Go over the exam Applications of Consumer Producer Surplus Chp4 Examples of Price Elasticity of Demand Chp6 Examples of Price and Income Elasticity of Demand Chp6 Present Value Formula and Examples of Pricing stocks and Bonds Chp7 The Production Function Chp10 Go over the exam Review the Competitive Model Chp11 Assignment Due Quiz Problem Set 1 Hand out Problem Set 1 Due Quiz1 Problem Set 2 Hand out Problem Set 2 Due Quiz2 Problem Set 3 Hand out Problem Set3 Due Quiz3 Review Compare and Contrast Models of Competition Monopoly Chp14 This syllabus and schedule are a tentative plan and are subject to change 2 CLASS POLICIES Attendance 1 Excuses for anticipated absences must be cleared with the instructor before the absence Examples of anticipated situations where a student would qualify for an excused absence are a The student is away from campus representing an official university function e g participating in a professional meeting as part of a judging team or athletic team These students would typically be accompanied by a University faculty or staff member b Required court attendance as certified by the Clerk of Court c Religious observances as verified by Parents Constituent Services 515 2441 For more information about a variety of religious observances visit the Diversity Calendar d Required military duty as certified by the student s commanding officer 2 Excuses for emergency absences must be reported to the instructor as soon as possible but not more than one week after the return to class Examples of emergency absences are a Illness or injury when certified by an attending physician Physicians on the Student Health Service staff do not provide written excuses Because of student confidentiality information can only be released directly by the Counseling Center or Student Health Services in case of crisis or with the student s written authorization b Death or serious illnesses in the family when documented appropriately An attempt to verify deaths or serious illness will be made by Parents Constituent Services 515 2441 at the request of the instructor For a full statement of the University Attendance Policy see http www ncsu edu policies academic affairs pols regs REG205 00 4 php Disabled Students In accordance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 Rehab Act the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 ADA and state law North Carolina State University hereinafter NC State is required to accommodate an otherwise qualified individual with a disability by making a reasonable modification in its services programs or activities This regulation addresses the eligibility of students for academic accommodations in educational programs services and activities at NC State as well as the provision of such accommodations to students with various types of disabilities For a full review of NCSU s policy toward students with disabilities please see http www ncsu edu policies academic affairs courses undergrad REG02 20 1 php Academic Integrity Student Conduct This course will be held in accordance with the University s academic integrity standards as outlined in the Code of Student Conduct Please review the Code in its entirety at http www ncsu edu policies student services student discipline POL11 35 1 php 3

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