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WORKSHOP 4 Writing and Balancing Equations Name Section Part 1 Write and balance the following word equations Remember that hydrogen oxygen nitrogen chlorine and bromine are diatomic molecules 1 Copper I sulfide and oxygen gas yield copper I oxide and sulfur dioxide 2 Zinc perchlorate when heated decomposes to zinc chloride and oxygen gas 3 Solid iron reacts with oxygen gas to produce rust a combination of iron oxides with a formula of Fe3O4 4 Titanium metal and hydrochloric acid react to yield titanium IV chloride and hydrogen gas 5 Lithium metal reacts with water to produce lithium hydroxide and hydrogen gas 6 Carbon disulfide reacts with oxygen to form sulfur trioxide and carbon dioxide 7 Solid zinc and phosphoric acid react to form zinc phosphate and hydrogen gas 8 Hydrazine N2H4 and dinitrogen tetroxide gas react to produce nitrogen gas and water 9 Carbon monoxide and hydrogen gas react to form methane and water 10 Solid aluminum reacts with hydrobromic acid to produce aluminum bromide and hydrogen gas 11 Nitrogen and hydrogen are gases that react to form ammonia gas 12 Fluorine gas reacts with water to give hydrogen fluoride and oxygen gas 13 Lead II nitrate decomposes when heated to yield lead II oxide nitrogen monoxide gas and oxygen gas 14 Aluminum hydroxide when heated gives aluminum oxide and water 15 Phosphorus and bromine will react and form phosphorus tribromide 16 Sodium hydrogen carbonate reacts with nitric acid to yield sodium nitrate and water and carbon dioxide 17 Xenon gas and fluorine gas react over a platinum catalyst to form xenon hexafluoride 18 Butane C4H10 combusts with oxygen to produce carbon dioxide and water Part 2 Complete and balance the following double displacement reactions Use the chart on page 58 to predict insoluble products One of these mixtures gives no reaction Predict which mixture will not produce a precipitate or gas or molecular compound 1 Copper II nitrate solution reacts with a solution of ammonium sulfide 2 Solid Magnesium hydroxide is added to hydrochloric acid 3 Silver nitrate solution reacts with sulfuric acid 4 Solutions of iron III chloride and ammonium nitrate are mixed 5 Phosphoric acid reacts with a solution of calcium hydroxide 6 Potassium carbonate solution reacts with a solution of cobalt II bromide 7 Bismuth III chloride solution reacts with hydrosulfuric acid 8 Potassium acetate solution reacts with hydrochloric acid 9 Sodium sulfite solution reacts with hydrochloric acid to produce a weak acid and sodium chloride 10 The weak acid produced in question 9 above decomposes to a gas and water Single Replacement Reactions Activity Series Li K Ba Sr Ca Na Mg Al Mn Zn Fe Cd Co Ni Sn Pb H Cu Ag Hg Au Cu Ag Hg and Au do not replace H from acids The elements in the first line above all replace hydrogen from acids The most active can replace H from water Li Na Mg can slowly react with hot water Al Pb react with acids but not with water Predict whether the following will react and what the products will be if they do If no reaction is predicted write NR Balance any reactions that do occur 1 H2 CuO 2 Mg MnCl2 3 Al H2SO4 4 Ca HBr 5 Cu Fe2O3 Decomposition Reactions 6 NH4OH 7 H2CO3 8 H2SO3 optional Combination reactions Recall hydration of metal oxides form what kinds of compounds Hydration of non metal oxides forms what kinds of compounds 9 Na2O 10 P2O3 11 SO2 12 Al H2O H2O H2O Br2

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LACC CHEM 60 - Writing and Balancing Equations

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