CSE 101 Class Notes Today Graphs Recursion vs Iteration September 29 2006 Breadth and Depth First Search Problem Given a directed graph G V E find the set of nodes reachable from some node x In doing this we want to avoid visiting a node more than once so we need to keep track of these visited nodes Initially Visited x is false for all x We also need to track the set F of frontier nodes which we have seen as neighbors of a processed node but have not yet processed Algorithm 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Frontier x Visited x T forall y x Visited y F while Frontier not empty y Choose Frontier for z in Adj y if Visited z Insert Frontier z Visited z T Remove Frontier y What data structure should we use It must support 1 inserting an element 2 choosing an arbitrary element and 3 removing that element Both stacks push top pop and queues enqueue head dequeue or decapitate support these operations in constant time Running Time After a node is added to F it is marked Visited No visited node is added to F Since a Visited mark is never removed this implies that each node is added to F at most once Therefore the loop at line 7 is done at most once per node y 1 This loop takes O deg y since it is executed once for each edge from y The sum of all nodes out degreesPin a directed graph is E Therefore the total running time for lines 7 10 is O v V deg v O E The remaining lines are executed V times and take constant time Therefore the total running time is O V E Note that this running time is the same whether we use a stack or a queue However which we use will determine whether we will execute a depth first stack or breadth first queue search Using a stack however we can gather additional information by remembering the order in which we insert and remove items In particular no node is removed from the stack until all its children have been removed This order of removal children before parents is referred to as depth first search 2
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