TAMU COMM 335 - Final Exam Study Guide
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COMM 335 1st Edition Exam 4 Study Guide Lectures 17 29 Chapter 10 Summary Through relationships we acquire specific and general knowledge break stereotypes and acquire new skills Special challenges of intercultural relationships include coping with differences tending to stereotype dealing with anxiety and having to explain ourselves to others There are six dialectics of intercultural relationships personal contextual differences similarities cultural individual privilege disadvantage static dynamic and history past present future There are three communication approaches to understanding intercultural relationships social science interpretive and critical Key Words Intercultural Relationships relationships that are formed between individuals from different cultures Relational Learning Learning that comes from a particular relationship but generalizes to other contexts Similarity Principle a principle of relational attraction suggesting that individuals tend to be attracted to people they perceive to be similar to themselves Cognitive Consistency having a logical connection between existing knowledge and a new stimulus Stage Model the view that relationships develop in predictable phases over time Intimacy the extent of emotional closeness Romantic Relationships intimate relationships that comprise love involvement sharing openness connectedness and so on Self Disclosure revealing information about oneself Line of Sight information about other people s identity based upon visible physical characteristics Submission Style a style of interaction for an intercultural couple in which one partner yields to the other partner s cultural patterns abandoning or denying his or her own culture Compromise Style a style of interaction for an intercultural couple in which both partners give up some part of their own cultural habits and beliefs to minimize cross cultural differences Obliteration Style a style of interaction for an intercultural couple in which both partners attempt to erase their individual cultures in dealing with cultural differences Consensus Style a style of interaction for an intercultural couple in which partners deal with cross cultural differences by negotiating their relationship Chapter 11 Summary Conflict is defined as involving a perceived or real incompatibility of goals values expectations processes or outcomes between two or more interdependent individuals or groups The five steps of conflict are affective conflict conflict of interest value conflict cognitive conflict and goal conflict There are four intercultural conflict styles discussions engagement accommodating and dynamic The choice of conflict style may be impacted by cultural values family influences gender and ethnicity Conflict can be productive or destructive Key Words Conflict the interference between two or more interdependent individuals or groups of people who perceive incompatible goals values or expectations in attaining those ends Incompatibility incapable of existing harmoniously Interdependent Mutually dependent Intercultural Conflict conflict between two or more cultural groups Facework communication strategies used to save our own or someone else s face or public image Direct Approach a view that the best way to deal with conflict is to use precise and specific language Indirect Approach a view that the best way to approach conflict is to use vague and nonspecific language Pacifism opposition to the use of force under any circumstances Emotionally Expressive Approach a view that the best way to deal with conflict is by overt displays of feeling Discussion Style combines the direct and emotional restrained approaches to conflict Engagement Style combines the direct and emotional expressive approaches to conflict Accommodating Style combines the indirect and emotional restrained manner Intermediary in a formal setting a professional third party such as a lawyer real estate agent or counselor who intervenes when two parties are in conflict informal intermediaries may be friends or colleagues who intervene Mediation The acts of resolving conflict by having someone intervene between two parties Dynamic Style combines the indirect and emotional expressive approaches to conflict Social Movements organized activities in which individuals work together to bring about social change Dialogue conversation that is slow careful full of feeling respectful and attentive Chapter 12 Summary Intercultural communication is both individual and contextual Social science research as identified four individual components of intercultural communication motivation attitudes behaviors and skills The levels of competence are unconscious incompetence conscious incompetence conscious competence and unconscious competence Key Words Motivation as an individual component of intercultural communication competence the desire to make a commitment in relationships to learn about the self and others and to remain flexible Knowledge as an individual component of intercultural communication competence the quality of knowing about oneself others and various aspects of communication Self Knowledge related to intercultural communication competence the quality of knowing how one is perceived as a communicator as well as one s strengths and weaknesses Other Knowledge related to intercultural communication competence knowledge about how people from other cultures think and behave that will also help you be a more effective communicator Linguistic Knowledge knowledge of other languages besides one s native language or of the difficulty of learning a second or third language Attitudes an individual s dispositions or mental sets Tolerance for ambiguity the ease with which an individual copes with situations in which a great deal in unknown Empathy the capacity to walk in another person s shoes Transpection cross cultural empathy Nonjudgmentalism free from evaluating according to one s own cultural frame of reference D I E Exercise a device that helps us determine if we are communicating at a descriptive interpretive or evaluative level Unconscious Incompetence when one communicates without adapting their communication style and not thinking about why it may not be effective Conscious Incompetence when one is aware that interaction is not going well but doesn t understand why Conscious Competence when one is aware that interaction is going well and understands why Unconscious Competence when interaction is going well but one doesn t have

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TAMU COMM 335 - Final Exam Study Guide

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Pages: 3
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