Red Black Trees Bottom Up Deletion Recall ordinary BST Delete 1 If vertex to be deleted is a leaf just delete it 2 If vertex to be deleted has just one child replace it with that child 3 If vertex to be deleted has two children replace the value in the node by it s in order predecessor successor s value then delete the in order predecessor successor a recursive step Bottom Up Deletion 1 Do ordinary BST deletion Eventually a case 1 or case 2 deletion will be done leaf or just one child If deleted node U is a leaf think of deletion as replacing U with the NULL pointer V If U had one child V think of deletion as replacing U with V 2 What can go wrong Which RB Property may be violated after deletion 1 If U is red Not a problem no RB properties violated 2 If U is black If U is not the root deleting it will change the black height along some path Fixing the problem Think of V as having an extra unit of blackness This extra blackness must be absorbed into the tree by a red node or propagated up to the root and out of the tree There are four cases our examples and rules assume that V is a left child There are symmetric cases for V as a right child Terminology The node just deleted was U The node that replaces it is V which has an extra unit of blackness The parent of V is P The sibling of V is S Black Node Red Node Red or Black and don t care Bottom Up Deletion Case 1 V s sibling S is Red Rotate S around P and recolor S P NOT a terminal case One of the other cases will now apply All other cases apply when S is Black Case 1 Diagram P V Rotate P S V S P V Recolor S Bottom Up Deletion Case 2 V s sibling S is black and has two black children Recolor S to be Red P absorbs V s extra blackness If P is Red we re done If P is Black it now has extra blackness and problem has been propagated up the tree Case 2 diagram P V Recolor and absorb S V Either extra black absorbed by P or P now has extra blackness P S Bottom Up Deletion Case 3 S is black S s RIGHT child is RED Left child either color Rotate S around P Swap colors of S and P and color S s Right child Black This is the terminal case we re done Case 3 diagrams P Rotate P S V V S P V Recolor S Bottom Up Deletion Case 4 S is Black S s right child is Black and S s left child is Red Rotate S s left child around S Swap color of S and S s left child Now in case 3 Case 4 Diagrams P V P S V P Rotate S V S Recolor 65 50 10 80 70 60 90 62 Perform the following deletions in the order specified Delete 90 Delete 80 Delete 70
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