Project 1 CS161 Computer Security Fall 2008 Assigned 10 01 08 Due 10 15 08 If you know the enemy and know yourself you need not fear the result of a hundred battles If you know yourself but not the enemy for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat If you know neither the enemy nor yourself you will succumb in every battle Sun Tzu In this project you will play the attacker s role We will give you a program that is vulnerable and you will create the exploit for it 1 Problem Statement Your goal is to create an exploit for a buffer overflow vulnerability To get started read over Aleph One s Smashing the Stack for Fun and Profit 1 You don t have to read the section Shell Code since we provide you with shellcode though you may find it interesting The vulnerable program is home ff cs161 proj1 fa08 targets target on the instructional machines Copy the directory home ff cs161 proj1 fa08 exploits to your working space it contains skeleton code and a Makefile for your exploit program The source code for the vulnerable program home ff cs161 proj1 fa08 targets target c is also provided for your reference Your task is to edit exploit c so that it exploits the buffer overflow vulnerability in target to run a shell We provide exploit code in shellcode h you just have to cause it to be executed in target If you are successful you should see a shell prompt bash 3 1 exploit The only file you should edit is exploit c Build it with gmake The path to target is hard coded in exploit c please do not change it Because buffer overflow exploits are highly machine dependent you are restricted to working on sphere cs rhombus cs or pentagon cs Your exploit must work on one of those machines they are Solaris x86 boxes To start with we recommend that you use gdb to explore the stack and memory layout of target It will be different when called via execve so here is the best way to get set up after running gdb exploit gdb run Starting program exploit 1 http reactor core org stack smashing html Program received signal SIGTRAP Trace breakpoint trap 0xce7cb7b6 in gdb symbol file home ff cs161 proj1 fa08 targets target Load new symbol table from home ff cs161 proj1 fa08 targets target y or n y Reading symbols from home ff cs161 proj1 fa08 targets target done warning rw common unable to read at addr 0xce7a2060 warning sol thread new objfile td ta new Debugger service failed gdb break main Breakpoint 1 at 0x8050834 file target c line 21 gdb continue Continuing Breakpoint 1 main argc 2 argv 0x8047f14 at target c 21 21 if argc 2 gdb Running it this way makes it difficult to restart however so you may want to just run gdb target to explore initially and then switch to the execve version when it s time to find the actual addresses for your exploit You will want to become familiar with the following gdb commands use the help command break where disassemble next nexti x and info Be sure to explore the display options for the x command You should not follow Aleph One s directions too closely You may or may not want to execute the shellcode on the stack and you can use gdb to figure out the exact address to jump to so you don t have to use anything like get sp or NOP padding You must submit your code electronically Go to the directory where exploit c resides and type submit proj1 You should only submit exploit c you should not change the other files 2 Grading 1 1 point You must ensure that your code runs on one of the three servers listed above Please tell us which server you ran your code on sphere rhombus or pentagon as comment Server rhombus cs sphere cs in the beginning of your submission file exploit c The grader will check out your submitted exploit c and compile it The grader will type gmake and then exploit to run your exploit Please also list names of your project group members as a comment in the beginning of the file exploit c 2 7 points When the exploit is executed by the grader it must exploit the target giving the grader a remote shell Do not change the hard coded path for target in your solution 3 1 point List the name of the function containing the vulnerable buffer Draw the stack layout showing the absolute locations of the variables you had to be concerned about to make your exploit work 4 1 point You should include in your homework writeup a brief description of how you arrived at your solution including how you determined which address to jump to The writeup for this question should be at most 4 sentences
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