TAMU COMM 335 - Effective intercultural communication
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COMM 335 1st Edition Lecture 26 Outline of Last Lecture I Four cultural conflict categories II Differences in men and women Outline of Current Lecture I Social Science the components of competence II Motivation III Knowledge IV Attitudes V D I E Exercise VI Behaviors and Skills Current Lecture I Social Science the components of competence Knowledge attitudes behaviors and motivation are building blocks of intercultural communication competence II Motivation a If one is not motivated to communicate skill level is not important b Members of less powerful groups have a stronger incentive to learn about more powerful groups c Sometimes people can become motivated to learn about other cultures and to communicate interculturally d Increase violence among religions has motivated people to reach out to those of other cultures These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute e Anxiety uncertainty and fear can be disincentives f Fear of being isolated from friends and family who could be prejudiced and unmotivated g Motivation is lacking in contexts in which historical events or political circumstances have resulted in communication breakdown III Knowledge a Self knowledge includes knowing how you may be perceived as a communicator and your strengths and weaknesses b Knowledge about how others think and behave is important Learning about others in an abstract way often leads to stereotyping It is often better to learn through relational experience To avoid stereotyping be aware of the range in thought and behavior across cultures and do not to assume that a person belongs to a particular group will behave in a particular way c Linguistic knowledge is another important aspect of intercultural communication IV Attitudes a Tolerance for ambiguity refers to ease in dealing with situations where there is much unknown difficult to attain b Empathy Ability to know what it is like to walk in another person s shoes Capacity to imagine oneself in another role within the context of one s cultural identity Empathy across cultures transpection a postmodern phenomenon that often involves trying to learn foreign beliefs assumptions perspectives and feelings in a foreign context Transpection can only be achieved with practice and requires structured experience and self reflection c Achieving nonjudgmentalism is not easy because we do not like to recognize that we judge using our own cultural frames of reference V D I E Exercise a Learning to distinguish between description interpretation and evaluation in processing information Descriptive statements nonjudgmental contain factual information that is verified through the senses Interpretive statements attach meaning to the description Evaluative statements clarify how we feel about something b This device may enable us to recognize the level at which we are processing information VI Behaviors and Skills a Ruben 1976 1977 devised the fol1owing list of universal behaviors which includes some attitudes Display of respect Interaction management Ambiguity tolerance Empathy Relational rather than task behavior Interaction posture b Some general behaviors may work well in all cultural groups and contexts however they can become problematic when we try to apply them in very specific ways c There are also culturally specific rules and expectations for behavior for example respect may be an important behavior in all cultures but the way respect is displayed may be different in specific cultures

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TAMU COMM 335 - Effective intercultural communication

Type: Lecture Note
Pages: 4
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