Berkeley COMPSCI 161 - Project Milestone 1

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Additional Guidelines and Suggestions for Project Milestone 1 CS161 Computer Security Spring 2008 Some students may be a little vague on what to cover in the Milestone 1 submission for the course project so we have written this document to provide some more specific guidance and ideas Design Considerations First of all each team should spend a little time getting some background on the PostScript language We recommend you take a look at the PostScript Language Tutorial and Cookbook a k a the blue book which can be obtained by searching online or from http inst eecs berkeley edu cs161 sp08 Projects psintro pdf Don t worry about reading that document in detail You should be fine just reading the first couple chapters and quickly skimming the rest which should only take about 30 minutes or so Also the operator summary in the appendix may be a handy reference The main question to be addressed in your design document is how you will represent the syntax and possibly to some extent semantics of the PostScript language within your program The most rudimentary approach would be to include a list of PostScript keywords built in operators add def dup showpage etc then construct a test document by just concatenating random sequences of these along with string and numeric literals However most such sequences will simply cause the PostScript interpreter to immediately exit with an error For example any sequence that begins with add or any other operator that takes arguments will cause a stack underflow as soon as the first token is read 1 So in order to better test the 1 Of course it would be good for your fuzzer to be able to generate highly invalid 1 interpreter you will probably want to at least take into account the number of arguments that each operator takes pops off the operand stack and the number of results it returns pushes back on to the stack Given that information a random PostScript program could be constructed as an expression tree then output in postfix order to form a document which is valid at least in terms of the operand stack Since there are operators which take and return a variable number of arguments e g copy you may not always be able to ensure this sort of validity but that s okay You just want your fuzzer to be capable of eliciting a fairly wide range of behaviors from the interpreter rather than causing it to immediately exit with an error every time Another thing to consider is whether your fuzzer will give any particular operators or language constructs specific testing treatment For example the get operator indexes into arrays so maybe you would want your fuzzer to test a range of negative or out of bounds values for the index As another example you might want to test the interpreter on various sorts of quoted string literals such as very long ones or ones with special characters If you have any specific types of tests such as these in mind they could be either incorporated into your primary method for generating a random PostScript program document or they could be separated out as distinct tests via the SPEC argument given to your fuzzer see main project description When considering these issues with respect the specially modified pstotext 1 program which will be provided for testing and grading don t pay too much attention to how that program works In particular don t worry about how the actual pstotext program is implemented you might as well assume we implemented ours from scratch Our only intention in selecting this program was to pick a program that reads PostScript so just assume it uses a complete PostScript interpreter renderer internally rather than using some sort of shortcut that just extracts text However you choose to design the high level approach to generating random PostScript documents ideally your design will fit into a more general framework for specifying data formats to your fuzzer for example the probabilistic context free grammars mentioned in the main project description While not a requirement a more general system will be easier to adapt to other programs which may allow you to gain extra credit without much additional work programs such as these but if that is all it can do its tests will not be very comprehensive 2 Implementation Considerations To get you thinking about your design in greater detail we ve included below a list of implementation level questions you should consider addressing in your Milestone 1 submission in addition to the high level design issues discussed so far It s not necessary to answer every one of these questions in order to get full credit on your submission but the more you address the better the feedback we will be able to give you early in the project Our goal is for the project to go smoothly and easily for each team minimizing the work necessary to reach a satisfactory level of success What programming language s will you use to write your fuzzer Will there be any difficulties in compiling and running your code on ilinux1 eecs berkeley edu Are there any libraries or other external sources of code you plan to use If there is any library or existing source code that would reduce your work we absolutely encourage you to use it We re not trying to test your ability to write computer programs the goal is to learn about fuzz testing If you are planning on using a library is it available on the ilinux machines If not will you be about to bundle it up in the tarball you eventually submit so your program works It s fine to include a library or other external code in compiled form if that is the easiest way to get it to work Your code however should be included as source How will you spawn the program being tested as a child process and check whether it has exited due to signal 11 or a timeout In Linux this is typically done through a combination of the fork 2 execve 2 and wait 2 with WNOHANG in order to allow for a timeout system calls In C C they can be called directly other languages often provide a higher level interface to this functionality How will your fuzzer generate pseudorandom numbers Just to keep things straight note that there are two separate random things that your fuzzer will need to do First for each test run it will need to 3 pick a new pseudorandom number generator PRNG seed This need not be reproducible so you could just read however many bytes the seed needs from dev urandom 2 More importantly given a seed value your fuzzer will have to use it to seed a PRNG then use that PRNG for all the

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Berkeley COMPSCI 161 - Project Milestone 1

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