ISU AECL 365 - Exam 3 Review

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1 is the area over which an individual travels over its normal daily movements 2 The area around a high priority and limited resource that is actively defended to exclude competitors is called a 3 The ability to orient to a particular place from unfamiliar locations is known as Whereas is the ability to go a particular compass direction 4 is movement away from the natal area 5 are fat based pigments that produce bright reds oranges and yellows These pigments must be obtained from a vertebrate s diet on the other hand are produced naturally by vertebrates and they also produce reds and yellows 6 is the use of bright colors that contrast with the surroundings These colors are often used by toxic organisms 7 What is defined as the interaction between two or more individuals sender and receiver to transmit information that alters the receiver s behavior 8 What type of signals is short range and involves behaviors such as touching or licking 9 Organism with lives mature early have many offspring with high mortality and have short lives Whereas organisms with lives mature late have few offspring with low mortality and have long lifespans 10 Some organisms are considered to be offspring being poorly developed but sufficient offspring or have earlier births at the cost of the organisms have later births with more self 11 The minimum metabolic rate for a fasting not reproducing and resting organism with no thermal stress is called 12 The is minimum metabolic rate under specific thermal conditions 13 A is known as a temperature regulator or an organism that keeps its body temperature constant A on the other hand is a temperature conformer whose body temperature changes with the ambient temperature 14 are organisms that don t produce enough heat too keep their body temperature above ambient temperature 15 The physiological state in which energy expenditure is decreased by lowering body temperature and metabolic rate is known as 16 This type of seasonal torpor occurs in the winter and occurs in response to limited resources and cold temperatures 17 What is the difference between a territory and a home range 18 How are home ranges beneficial 19 Discuss the differences between migration and dispersal What are the benefits and costs associated with each 20 Name and describe the three types of color change that occur in vertebrates 21 Name and describe the three types of mimicry discussed in class 22 Compare obligate and facultative reproductive strategies 23 Describe how latitude affects an organism s life history strategy 24 Describe methods that some endothermic aquatic organisms use to maintain homeothermic conditions 25 Draw a Scholander curve and label the lower critical temperature thermal neutral zone and the upper critical temperature 26 Why is hibernation discontinuous What physiological changes occur during arousal periods and how does size affect these periods Are there any costs associated with these periodic awakenings 27 What are structural adaptations that vertebrate groups have for feeding 28 Describe the Optimal Foraging Theory 29 Name and describe the 4 types of cryptic coloration discussed in class

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ISU AECL 365 - Exam 3 Review

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