SPRING 2010 SPRING 2010 SYLLABUS FOR GENERAL CHEMISTRY II CHEM 1032 AND 1034 Ambler Campus Dr John H MacMillan Office CG 7A john macmillan temple edu Course Descriptions Pre and Co Requisites CHEM 1032 General Chemistry II 3 s h formerly CHEM C072 The second semester of chemistry for science majors pre professional students and others in science related fields An introduction to thermodynamics equilibrium kinetics electrochemistry and descriptive chemistry Prerequisite Chemistry 1031 C071 with a grade of C or better Co Requisite Chemistry 1034 C074 is normally taken concurrently Three hours lecture and one hour recitation per week Note that a grade of C or better is in CHEM 1032 is required before students are able to enroll in BIO 2112 CHEM 1034 General Chemistry Laboratory II 1 s h formerly CHEM C074 Experiments in equilibrium kinetics acid base and oxidation reduction titrations electrochemistry and synthesis of metal complexes Prerequisite Chemistry 1033 C073 with a grade of C or better CoRequisite Chemistry 1032 C072 Three hours of laboratory per week Note These two courses can be used to satisfy the University Core Science Technology First Level SA requirement To determine if these courses will satisfy the Gen Ed Science Technology requirement see your advisor These two courses require separate registrations and are designed to be taken at the same time but credit for them is earned independently Meeting Times Room MWF 9 00 9 50 MWF 11 00 11 50 MWF 3 00 3 50 TTh 12 30 1 50 T 5 30 8 20 TTh 12 30 1 50 BE 164 BE 164 BE 162 BE 164 TL 105 CG 5 Lecturer Dr Andrew Price Dr Andrew Price Dr Allan Thomas Dr John Scovill Dr John Michel Dr John MacMillan Office Ext BE 222C BE 222C BE 102 BE 444 BE 126B CG 7A 1048 1048 5899 7341 2434 Email acprice temple edu acprice temple edu allan thomas temple edu scovillj temple edu jmichel temple edu john macmillan temple edu Office Hours TTh 11 00 12 20 CG 7A This is your time to ask questions regarding the lecture material assignments and grading concerns You should make an appointment if you are unable to attend these scheduled office hours CHEM 1032 and 1034 Page 1 of 14 SPRING 2010 SPRING 2010 Coordinator Dr John B Michel BE126 ext 2434 jmichel temple edu Dr Michel is the person to see regarding scheduling issues and drop adds in recitation and lab sections Recitations and Labs Follow your schedule for meeting times and rooms Recitations will meet starting the second week of the semester Labs will meet starting the second week of the semester Make a note of your recitation and lab instructor s name office extension and email here Recitation Instructor Dr John H MacMilan Lab Instructor Dr John H MacMilan Registration Students may register for classes at their college advising offices or via OWLnet www owlnet temple edu or the Diamond Line 215 204 2525 with their 4 digit PIN Open Close status is best viewed via TU Courses www temple edu TUcourses Green Cards Lab Green Cards will ONLY be issued by Dr Michel during the FIRST week of the semester not at any other time Lecture recitation Green Cards will only be issued with the approval of the lecturer To register for the lecture recitation portion of the course you must find an open section New lecture recitation and lab sections may be added so check OWLnet frequently Drop Add During the first week of the semester students may still register without coordinator signature for any open Lec Rec sections During the second week students may only register for open Lec Rec sections with permission from Dr Michel in consultation with the lecturer The last day to drop a course without a record of the class appearing on the transcript is Monday February 1st Withdrawal In weeks three through nine of the semester a student may withdraw only with their advisor s permission This is Temple University s Policy 02 10 14 There is no need to seek a lecturer s or instructor s signature The course will be recorded on the transcript with the notation of W indicating that the student withdrew A student may withdraw from no more than five courses during his her undergraduate career A student may not withdraw from the same course more than once After week nine students may not withdraw from courses and will receive a letter grade The last day to withdraw from a course is Monday March 29th Incompletes An incomplete or I will only be given in accord with Temple University s Policy 03 12 13 An I cannot be assigned until the specific requirements have been met and the Agreement for Issuing an Incomplete form has been signed and submitted by the instructor and the student prior to submitting the form to the Dean s Office or Dean s Designee for final approval To obtain an I at least 50 of the work for the course must be completed a student s accumulated point total must be more than 75 of the total number of possible points and there must be a valid reason acceptable to academic advising For students who are assigned a grade of I all previous scores will stand and will be used in the calculation of the final score and grade when the course is completed No I designation may be requested after the final exams for these two courses have been administered CHEM 1032 and 1034 Page 2 of 14 SPRING 2010 SPRING 2010 Course Materials CHEM 1032 Lecture Course Students have a choice of materials for the lecture course EITHER Principles of Chemistry A Molecular Approach by Nivaldo J Tro published by Pearson Prentice Hall This is the complete text hardback of all 20 chapters and includes a Student Access Kit for use with MasteringChemistry an online homework and tutorial program and a CD ROM of the Selected Students Solutions Manual This packet is only available for purchase at the Temple University Bookstore on the Main Campus the Ambler Campus and at Zavelle s Bookstore 1520 N Broad You cannot purchase this packet from any other vendors ISBN 0558249027 2 OR Principles of Chemistry A Molecular Approach by Nivaldo J Tro published by Pearson Prentice Hall This is custom edition text for Temple University for students enrolled in Chemistry 1032 It is a 3 hole punched shrink wrapped text chapters 11 19 This packet is only available for purchase at the Temple University Bookstore on the Main Campus the Ambler Campus and at Zavelle s Bookstore 1520 N Broad You cannot purchase this packet from any other vendors ISBN 0558495540 OR MasteringChemistry Access Kit required for all students The cost is 45 00 without the eBook and 92 28 with the eBook
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