Autonomic Nervous System Pharmacology The receptors for neurotransmitters located in peripheral tissues are given below This table can be used to predict the actions of drugs on these tissues Note that skeletal muscle is excited by the Somatic Nervous System ACh on nicotinic receptors Histamine the final agent in the table utilizes histaminergic receptors see lecture notes Agent Heart Heart Blood Blood Digestive Salivary Sweat RespiraEye Circ Eye Metabolism Symp Pace Ventricular Flow to Flow to Organ Gland Glands tory Muscle Radial Blood Nerve maker muscle Skeletal Intestine Activity Passages constrict Muscle gluose terminal Muscle pupil dilate pupil N M 1 2 M 1 N M N M N M N M N M 1 1 2 M 1 2 2 1 1 2 few 1 ACh 0 0 0 0 inhibit increas constrict NE e due to release dilation NE slight 0 0 0 Epi M agonist N agonist agonist agonist 2 agonist 1agonist 1 agonist 2 agonist Histamine increas e due to dilation dilate 0 0 Parasymp Nerve terminal 2 0 inhibit ACh release inhibit ACh release 2 Now complete this table by listing ALL receptors found in the tissues listed TISSUE ALL RECEPTORS IN THIS TISSUE Intestines Heart Blood vessels to skeletal muscles Lung airways Muscles of the pupils of the eye Blood vessels to intestines Sweat Glands Sympathetic Presynaptic Nerve Terminal Adrenal Medulla 3 Complete the following table using for excitation for inhibition and 0 for no effect DRUG TISSUE ACh Heart Pacemaker ACh Intestine Nicotine Intestine Propranolol Heart Pacemaker NE Blood Vessels to Skeletal Muscles Blood Vessels to Skeletal Muscles Epi RESPONSE TO DRUG LISTED Epi Epi Muscles controlling Pupil diameter Blood vessels to intestines Presynaptic Symp Nerve terminal Bronchiole Diameter Bronchiole Diameter Sweat Glands ACh Sweat Glands agonist Intestine agonist Heart agonist Adrenal medulla agonist Skeletal muscle agonist Blood Vessels to Skeletal Muscles Muscles controlling Pupil diameter Adrenal Medulla Epi ACh Muscarine Epi agonist Nicotine 4 For each of the following list the specific type of autonomic neurotransmitter receptor s ON THE EFFECTOR ORGAN responsible for the stated effect a increase blood flow to skeletal muscle b decrease blood flow to intestinal muscle c increase flow of saliva d constrict pupil of the eye e increase acid secretion in the stomach f increase heart rate g dilate pupil of the eye h increase lung airway diameter i decrease release of NE from sympathetic nerve j decrease intestinal muscle activity j activate adrenal medulla to release Epi k contract skeletal muscle l stimulate post ganglionic sympathetic nerve m increase intestinal muscle activity n decrease heart rate o decrease release of ACh from parasymp nerve
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