TAMU COMM 335 - Intercultural Conflict
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COMM 335 1st Edition Lecture 25 Outline of Last Lecture I Intercultural conflict II Types of conflict III Family influences IV Approaches to conflict V Individualistic culture conflict VI Collectivistic culture conflict Outline of Current Lecture I Four cultural conflict categories II Differences in men and women Current Lecture I Four cultural conflict categories a The discussion style combines direct and emotionally restrained dimensions It emphasized a verbally direct approach People who use this style are comfortable expressing disagreement b The engagement style emphasized a verbally direct confrontational approach to dealing with conflict This style views intense verbal and nonverbal expressions of emotion as demonstrating sincerity It is also interpreted as indicated as a willingness to engage in resolving the conflict c The accommodating style an indirect approach emphasizes emotional restraint People who use this conflict may send ambiguous and indirect messages They believe this will ensure that the conflict will not get out of control Silence and avoidance may also be used d The dynamic style uses indirect communication along with more emotionally intense expressions These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute II III IV V VI VII They are comfortable with emotional talk but speak in metaphors and often use mediators Credibility in this style is grounded in their degree of emotional expressiveness Men and women in the United States seem to have different communication styles which sometimes lead to conflict and can influence how they handle it When showing support women sometimes make sympathetic noises while men may say nothing to show respect for independence Women may interpret men s silence as indifference Men and women differ in their troubles talk and in storytelling When telling stories men tend to be more linear while women give more details and tangential information Women discuss the relationship process to feel better while men see little point in discussing something if nothing is identified as needing fixing When asked how they dealt with a conflict involving a close friend people gave different kinds of answers African American said they used a problem solving approach Whites seemed to focus on the importance of taking responsibility for their behavior Males emphasized being direct Females talked about concern for the other person the relationship and situational flexibility Mexican American males reported talking to reach a mutual understanding while females said that they focused on reinforcement of the relationship In general males and females of all groups described females as more compassionate and concerned for feelings and males as more concerned with winning the conflict and being right

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TAMU COMM 335 - Intercultural Conflict

Type: Lecture Note
Pages: 2
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