Detecting Attacks Part 2 CS 161 Computer Security Profs Vern Paxson David Wagner TAs John Bethencourt Erika Chin Matthew Finifter Cynthia Sturton Joel Weinberger http inst eecs berkeley edu cs161 April 9 2010 Announcements Homework 4 is out Due next Thursday 5PM My office hours next Monday are 2 30 3 30 Styles of Detection Signature Based Idea look for activity that matches the structure of a known attack Example from the freeware Snort NIDS alert tcp EXTERNAL NET any HOME NET 139 flow to server established content eb2f 5feb 4a5e 89fb 893e 89f2 msg EXPLOIT x86 linux samba overflow reference bugtraq 1816 reference cve CVE 1999 0811 classtype attempted admin Can be at different semantic layers e g IP TCP header fields packet payload URLs Signature Based Detection con t E g for FooCorp search for or etc passwd What s nice about this approach Conceptually simple Takes care of known attacks of which there are zillions Easy to share signatures build up libraries What s problematic about this approach Blind to novel attacks Might even miss variants of known attacks Of which there are zillions Simpler versions look at low level syntax not semantics Can lead to weak power either misses variants or generates lots of false positives Styles of Detection Anomaly Based Idea attacks look peculiar High level approach develop a model of normal behavior say based on analyzing historical logs Flag activity that deviates from it FooCorp example maybe look at distribution of characters in URL parameters learn that some are rare and or don t occur repeatedly If we happen to learn that s have this property then could detect the attack even without knowing it exists Big benefit potential detection of a wide range of attacks including novel ones Anomaly Detection con t What s problematic about this approach Can fail to detect known attacks Can fail to detect novel attacks if don t happen to look peculiar along measured dimension What happens if the historical data you train on includes attacks Base rate fallacy particularly acute if prevalence of attacks is low then you re more often going to see benign outliers High FP rate OR require such a stringent deviation from normal that most attacks are missed Specification Based Detection Idea don t learn what s normal specify what s allowed FooCorp example decide that all URL parameters sent to foocorp com servers must have at most one in them Flag any arriving param with 1 slash as an attack What s nice about this approach Can detect novel attacks Can have low false positives If FooCorp audits its web pages to make sure they comply What s problematc about this approach Expensive lots of labor to derive specifications And keep them up to date as things change churn Styles of Detection Behavioral Idea don t look for attacks look for evidence of compromise FooCorp example inspect all output web traffic for any lines that match a passwd file Example for monitoring user shell keystrokes unset HISTFILE Example for catching code injection look at sequences of system calls flag any that prior analysis of a given program shows it can t generate E g observe process executing read open write fork exec but there s no code path in the original program that calls those in exactly that order Behavioral Based Detection con t What s nice about this approach Can detect a wide range of novel attacks Can have low false positives Depending on degree to which behavior is distinctive E g for system call profiling no false positives Can be cheap to implement E g system call profiling can be mechanized What s problematic about this approach Post facto detection discovers that you definitely have a problem w no opportunity to prevent it Brittle depending on behavior attacker can avoid it Easy enough to not type unset HISTFILE How could they evade system call profiling Mimicry adapt injected code to comply w allowed call sequences The Problem of Evasion For any detection approach we need to consider how an adversary might try to elude it Note even if the approach is evadable it can still be useful to operate in practice But if it s very easy to evade that s especially worrisome security by obscurity Some evasions reflect incomplete analysis In our FooCorp example hex escapes or alias In principle can deal with these with implementation care make sure we fully understand the spec The Problem of Evasion con t Some evasions exploit deviation from the spec E g double escapes for SQL injection 25 32 37 27 Some can exploit more fundamental ambiguities Problem grows as monitoring viewpoint increasingly removed from ultimate endpoints Lack of end to end visibility Particularly acute for network monitoring Consider detecting occurrences of the string root inside a network connection We get a copy of each packet How hard can it be Detecting root Attempt 1 Method scan each packet for r o o t Perhaps using Boyer Moore Aho Corasick Bloom filters Packet 1 root Are we done Oops TCP doesn t preserve text boundaries ro ot Packet 1 Packet 2 1 2 Fix Detecting root Attempt 2 Okay remember match from end of previous packet 1 ro ot 2 Packet 1 Packet 2 When 2nd packet arrives continue working on the match Now we re managing state Are we done Oops TCP doesn t guarantee in order arrival ot ro 2 1 Detecting root Attempt 3 Fix We need to reassemble the entire TCP bytestream Match sequence numbers Buffer packets with later data above a sequence hole Issues Potentially requires a lot of state Plus attacker can cause us to exhaust state by sending lots of data above a sequence hole But at least we re done right Full TCP Reassembly is Not Enough seq 1 TTL 22 seq 1 TTL 16 n seq 2 TTL 16 i seq 2 TTL 22 o r X Packet discarded in transit due X to TTL hop count expiring o seq 3 TTL 16 c X seq 3 TTL 22 o t e o seq 4 TTL 22 t seq 4 TTL 16 TTL field in IP header specifies maximum forwarding hop count NIDS Receiver Sender Attacker r X rice roce rict roct ri r ri ro roo ric riot roc root rioe rio rooe r nic nice noc noce nio nict noct noo ni n ni no niot noot nioe nooe roo ro r root Assume the Receiver is 20 hops away Assume NIDS is 15 hops away Inconsistent TCP Retransmissions Fix Idea NIDS can alert upon seeing a retransmission inconsistency as surely it reflects someone up to no good This doesn t work TCP retransmissions broken in this fashion occur in live traffic Rare a few a day at ICSI But real evasions much rarer still Base Rate Fallacy This is a general problem with alerting on such ambiguities Idea if NIDS sees
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