CSE341 Computer Organization Term Project Spring 2009 B Ramamurthy bina buffalo edu R Sudhaakar rs96 buffalo edu 1 Purpose Design and test a model of the single cycle datapath discussed in Chapter 5 of your text book 2 Pre requisites Familiarize yourself with RTL Register transfer language and behavioral definition of circuits by using Verilog See the Verilog tutorial in the Appendix of your textbook Also for this exercise you may find several modules of code from the tutorial at this location 3 Problem statement You are required to design a 32 bit datapath to realize a simple instruction set architecture consisting of three types of instruction 1 R type 2 I type LW and SW load and store and 3 BEQ Branch equal only 4 Problem description Study the instruction code for the instructions and the bit pattern for each type of instructions as described in Chapter 5 of your text Understand the various modules instruction memory PC register and the module that updates the PC Register file ALU Data Memory and finally main control unit and ALU control unit Use the schematics and tables in the Chapter 5 and in Appendix C Assume a dual port memory that will allow read of instruction and load store memory to happen in the same instruction cycle You will also have to consider the timing and edge triggering of the transitions of states within an instruction cycle Design the Verilog model for each of the modules and inner modules before assembling the modules Make sure your test the inner modules before assembling an outer module Test the outer module before putting them altogether The final module will have to test for the instructions in the instruction set and output appropriate results in the tester 4 1 Clock Module Design a clock module that generates a square wave as shown in figure 1 It should have just one output port which can be connected to the clock inputs of all the other modules that we are going to design Figure 1 Clock module Design a test bench for this module to check that the output is a 50 duty cycle square wave Meaning the duration for which the waveform is at logic 1 is equal to the duration for which the waveform is at logic 0 Suggestion You can use logic 1 duration logic 0 duration 5 time units 4 2 Memory Module Design a dual port memory module that is word addressable i e each memory location is 32bits wide The address lines are also 32 bits wide hence there are 2 32 memory location each is 32 bits wide as shown in figure 2 Figure 2 Dual Port Memory Module The chip select CS line is the global ON OFF control for the chip You should be able to read at DATA1 by providing the memory address at ADDR1 and driving OE1 to logic 1 WR1 should be driven to logic 0 You should be able to write by providing the memory address at ADDR1 driving WR1 to logic 1 and providing the data at DATA1 Port 2 will also operate similarly NOTE All reads and write should take place at the positive edge of the clock Use the example for the RAM in the link provided above to design this module Design a test bench for the memory module as follows You should write the bit pattern 10101010101010101010101010101010 to a memory location using DATA 1 ADDR1 WE1 Wait for 20 units of time Read the same memory location and ensure that the output at DATA 1 is the above bit pattern Repeat this for each memory location Repeat this for port 2 4 3 Processor The block diagram of the processor is below Figure 3 Block Diagram of the Datapath The sub modules of the processor as discussed during lecture and as shown in the figure 3 which is a copy of the on in the text Instruction Fetch Instruction Decode module Control Unit Register File ALU Read and Write Memory the actual module is outside the datapath 5 Implementation details 5 1 Memory module MM The Instruction and Data memories although shown separately in the block diagram are in fact one physical module This is the one we designed earlier The register file will have 32 registers 0 through 31 and will be addressed using 5 bits in the instruction Each registers is 32 bits wide Use Port 1 of the memory module to fetch instructions User Port 2 of the memory module to read and write data All READ operations are performed at the POSITIVE edge of the clock and All WRITE operations are performed at the NEGATIVE edge of the clock Note This holds only for operations within the processor and not for the memory module Miscellaneous stuff will be explained in the recitation 5 2 Instruction Fetch Module IF Consists of the PC and the two adder modules at the top of the diagram At the POSITIVE edge of each clock cycle the contents of the place the contents of PC on ADDR1 and set WR1 to logic 1 to read the instructions At the NEGATIVE edge of each clock cycle the adder modules compute PC 4 and PC is written back with the new value If the instruction is BRANCH then the second adder module in the data path computes the new address Note that a 2x1 MUX is implemented to decide which value PC 4 or the output of the second adder is written into the PC All of the above components comprise the IF module Note that all you need to do is instantiate 2 adder you already have the code for this one register PC and one 2x1 MUX already done and wire them up properly to implement this module Details are in figure 4 Figure 4 Block Diagram of the ALU 5 3 Instruction Decode Module ID We will use the same instruction format as in MIPS and only the instructions we discussed during lecture More specifically we will be implementing 6 instructions 1 ADD RS RT RD This instruction reads RT and RD adds their contents and puts it into RS The format of this instruction is RS RT RD are the register addresses from 0 through 31 since we have 32 registers Each field is 5 bits long 2 SUB RS RT RD This instruction reads RT and RD computes RT RD and stored it in RS The format of this instruction is 3 LW RS IDX RT This instruction reads the contents of RT computes RT IDX Fetches the contents of the memory location RT IDX and stores it into the register RS EMBED Visio Drawing 11 IDX is 5 bits wide 4 SW RS IDX RT This instructions computes RT IDX and stores the contents of RS in the memory location RT IDX 5 BEQ RS RT BRANCH Checks if RS RT If true branches to PC BRANCH and continues execution from there 6 LI RS IMM Loads IMM into the register RS 5 4 Register File RF This module is implemented in a manner very similar to the memory module We have 5 address lines …
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