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WORKSHOP 3 Nomenclature Name Section In each box write the correct formula for the ionic compound which contains the positive ion cation listed at the top of the column and the negative ion anion listed on the left Li Mn2 Fe3 Zn2 NH4 1 I 2 S2 N3 3 4 OH 5 SO42 6 NO3 7 PO33 8 CO32 Name the compounds in the boxes above with the bracketed numbers 1 2 etc 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Name the Compounds Write Formulas CuI cadmium II carbonate NaNO3 ozone Sr OH 2 carbonic acid CoO lead II hydroxide NH4F titanium II nitrate LiBrO4 ammonia SO3 barium arsenide SnS2 aluminum nitride SiBr6 ammonium oxide FePO4 hydrofluoric acid AgCN chromic acid Be HCO3 2 lithium phosphate HI aq hydrogen selenide Ca ClO 2 tin IV periodate Hg2CO3 methane HNO2 carbon tetrachloride N2O4 manganese III hydroxide PbSO4 hypoiodous acid AlH3 perchloric acid HC2H3O2 cupric acetate Sn ClO3 4 gold III sulfate GaP hydrosulfuric acid XeF4 nitrogen monoxide

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LACC CHEM 60 - Nomenclature

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