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CSC 2427 Algorithms in Molecular Biology PS2 Due March 25 in Class Don t Panic You may work with others on this homework assignment but please submit your own writeup You must acknowledge the contributions that other students make to your answers Note this homework may have bugs If you spot something that looks wrong or is not clear please contact me or post to the newsgroup ut cdf csc2427h Note that questions on the newsgroup will be answered before those sent by e mail 1 More Alignment 25 pts Recall the LCS to LIS reduction discussed in class Here we will modify it in order to build the local alignment chaining algorithm used in LAGAN and similar tools A local alignment can be thought of as a rectangle defined by its start and end points It also has a score which show how well it is conserved The requirement that we need to enforce is that the starting top right point of the next rectangle always has to be be below and to the right of the end point of the previous one a Given two sequences A B with n matches between them as well as a score for every match show how to use a variation on the Longest Increasing Subsequence LIS algorithm to find the highest scoring common subsequence in time O n log n Assume the LIS algorithm is know to the reader b Now modify the algorithm developed in part a to allow for chains of local alignments Hint you will need to do some processing for every local alignment twice Now let X be a sequence of length L1 and Y be a sequence of length L2 Let AX and AY be two sequences of n 1 anchors that will be used to align X and Y Anchors in AX and AY are ordered from left to right anchor i of AX will match anchor i of AY and is located to the left of anchor j of AX if and only if i j Throughout this problem assume the lengths of the anchors themselves are negligible Let xi be the distance between anchors i 1 and i in AX and similarly for yi We also include the distances between the beginning of the sequence and the first anchor and between the last anchor and the end therefore the sets Xd x1 xn and Yd both have cardinality n 1 greater than the number of anchors We will globally align X and Y by fixing the alignments of corresponding anchors to each other and using NW to align the portions of X and Y between neighboring anchors c Describe the locations of the n points on the alignment matrix that give the worst case running time and how many cells in the Needleman Wunsch algorithm will examine locations of the n points on the alignment matrix that give the best case running time and how many cells in the Needleman Wunsch algorithm will examine d Derive the general formula for the running time in terms of the lengths of the sequences the number of anchor points and the covariance of the occurrences of the anchor points Definition Given sequences of numbers Xd x1 xn Yd y1 yn the covariance of Xd Yd is cov Xd Yd 1 n i 1 n xi xmean yi ymean 2 Motifs Rearrangements 25 pts a The sequence below is the RNA of a fake gene with exactly one intron Where is the intron and what is the coding sequence ATGCAGTCTAGGTAA b In the Gibbs Sampling examples discussed in class we were searching for ungapped motifs It is actually not very well known how many if any gaps transcription binding sites can tolerate You are asked to come up with a Gibbs Sampling algorithm that will search for gapped motifs Instead of returning a position weight matrix PWM of length K your algorithm should return an alignment of length K For simplicity we will treat the gap as a 5th DNA character Describe how one may search for these gapped motifs in the one sequence we are currently leaving out Also suggest a method to calculate the background probability of finding a certain alignment this is not trivial as very little is know about the statistics of alignments with gaps c The Gibbs Sampling algorithm we described in class and many other related approaches assume independence between adjacent positions This is not always a valid assumption How would you have to change the PWM in order to incorporate dependence between positions What is the related complexity for a full model and a motif of length k d One way to measure rearrangement distances between genomes that we mentioned in class is by counting breakpoints In the breakpoint median problem given a set of 3 signed permutations we want to design a 4th signed permutation such that the total number of breakpoints between it and the other three is minimal Show how to reduce this problem to the Traveling Salesman Problem Although TSP is NP hard it is very widely studied and there are many effective heuristics for it 3 Gene finding 50 pts In this problem you will develop and implement a simple Hidden Markov Model to search for bacterial genes Bacterial genes do not have introns and can usually be found by searching for Open Reading Frames ORFs sequences of amino acids that start with an ATG and go till a stop codon For the coding sections you can use any language you wish you should submit a printout of your code with your solution or by e mail to the instructor a Write a program that given a genomic sequence searches for ORFs of length K amino acids where K is a parameter Your program should take a genome in FASTA format an example will be posted on the website and find all these ORFs in all 6 frames Report the length of the longest ORF as well as the mean size of all ORFs 600 nucleotides b Using the ORFS 600 bp long determine the frequency of the various codons DNA triplets in ORFs Map the codons to the amino acids so it is a 21 element frequency table and include with your writeup Likewise determine and submit the same emission table for the four residues A C T G in the DNA outside of these ORFs putatively noncoding DNA c Design a Hidden Markov Model that will search for genes in bacterial genomes Your HMM should search for genes in 3 frames it can be run separately on the forward and reverse strands Your HMM should have a begin and an end state It should model start stop codons and also take into account the emission probabilities you computed in section b Explain how you computed the remaining parameters there is more than one correct way to do this Hand in the state diagram of your HMM with all transition edges labeled with your parameters d Implement the HMM you designed in section c Run it on the genome and use the Vitterbi algorithm to predict the genes in the sequence Draw a histogram …

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Toronto CSC 2427 - Algorithms in Molecular Biology PS2

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